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 Post subject: A New RP
PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:44 am 
Anceint Member Guy

Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2005 3:08 pm
Posts: 176
Let me start by saying that for thsoe of you who dont remember my RP rap sheet goes on for miles, and back at least 9 years if not more. Next let me say that I have done RPs with everything from military style all the way out into futuristic, and then back in time to medievil fantasy, and then mixed it all together, and so I bring you a new RP from me. If you do remember some of my past ones you may very well like this one. Its going to happen in 3 parts so dont sign on if your not in for the haul.

The story is as follows:
The world is on the brink of WWIII. Its been 50 years since the incident with PResident Bush in Iraq, and is now just a memory, however from that event there spark many years of reprucusions no one could have guessed.Ten years after the IRaqi conflict started the U.S. finally withdrew under beleive it or not nuclear threat from Russia. Russia having gotten there hands on several nuclear warheads, that the U.S new of adn the U.N. and otehr world powers not able to force them to back down for fear of their use, the U.S. backdown adn withdrew leaving Iraq in a much better standpoint now that Sadam is gone but in a much more politically unstable situation. On the evening After the withdrawal the Presidetn in Power Henry S. Burmon Was assasinated and his Vice President Francis R Gracey took over the office. This had many oppositions aroundthe world but no one was in any real power to do anything. Soon foreign nations decided ot cut off trade with the U.S. till he resigned but he did not. As a result the United States went into another depression that lasted nearly 20 years. Coming out the ressesion they were stronger then ever, but the other nations in the world had grown in strength and become massively more powerful. One country amongsth the strongest was now once again Germany under their new leader Chancellor Ezekiel Streifte. Under his reign Germany became increasingly powerful and soon was able to take on at least half Europe itself. Russia feeling the immediate threat and not wanting to go into a state of full war bombed Germany with nuclear missiles to the same effect the U.S. had done to Horishima. This sent the world up in arms and soon the world was divided once again into not just east and west, no that was far to simple. They formed into factions. Russia, France, and China became known as the European Stronghold, qwhat was left of Germany, Japan, and Britan became known as The Halo for some unknown reason and the U.S., Turkey, and a number of other countries immensly against the war stood strong to stop it, but alas they were to late and soon full scale invasions of otehr countries began.

Approxamatley 2048 The Keepers as the U.S. and their allies were known joined in as well in effect creating a world war. The odd parts is that The Halo never had or will have a definitive eemy as they go to suit their own tastes, but the Keepers and The Stronghold are bitter enemies. Now in the year 2056 this bitter was has been waged for a long time, and so many lay dead its really a shame. You as a soldier of the seemingly outdone Keepers must join in the fight and help decide the otucome of this war. Who will win the third world war, how will they rebuild, will the world ever be whole again? Thats for you to answer as your story unfolds, not me.
Sign up Sheet:

Chara name:
Hair/eye color:
Fire arm:
Side arm:
Anything else:

Note there will be no special powers in this, just normal soldiers with some big problems. I will of course be joining in on this, so its all good. Also note since the world has been pretty much war ravaged technology hasnt really had a chance to advance beyond our modern weaponry, as the countries involved are having a hard enough time to just produce enough weaponry to even keep fighting, so no new money for new weapons can be used. Keep that in mind.

Yes, sometimes I am a b****rd, an a***ole and generally not a nice person. If you dont like it you can contact me a Lifesa b***h @get the ***k ove rit.com

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:07 pm 
Legendary Warrior
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I like this. My friend, you have talent!

My Caracters Description

Name:Leos "Mach 10" Kline






Hair Color:Black

Eye Color:Brown

Primary Fire Arm:PSGI Sniper Rifile

Secondary Fire Arm:two 45mm Hand Guns (one on each side), two 6in long knives (one on each side)

Expertise:Expert fighter pilot and expert sniper

History:Leos "Mach 10" Kline got his nickname from hitting Mach 10 and not blacking out. He is also a Dare Devil. He takes chances if he thinks that he can pull it off. Being a Dare Devil is how he made it to Mach 10. During a test flight, he made his F-15E Strike Eagle do a dive. During the dive, he activated the afterburners and hit Mach 10. But as a result of hitting that speed so fast he lost control of the aircraft and had to eject. His actions made the Airforce realize that Mach 10 was no longer a fantsy. They were going to reserch how to make a plane that can take such speed and remain in control. But because of the war, the reserach has drasticly slowed, but it hasnt stopped...yet.

Legends never die.

Last edited by Kojack on Thu Dec 22, 2005 2:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:16 pm 
Godsin Queen
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Hello! A.D.! long time no see! you proubly don't remember me but oh well......

Anywho, I'll gladly join but I can't gerenty I'll be able to post a lot, because I'm always bussy. I usually manage to get one a least once a week if not more. Also my spelling isn't the greatest in the world either.


Faction: (sorry, not sure what this means)

Age: 24

Gender: female

Height: 5.3ft


Eye color:Blue

Hair color/style:shoulder length, brown hair pulled up into a pony tail

Fire arm: Sniper Rifle

Side arm:pistle

Description:She has a Cocky additude. Is the first woman to ever be put on the front lines.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

Last edited by Pandora on Fri Dec 23, 2005 6:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:32 pm 
Youthful Werewolf
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Joined: Sat Oct 08, 2005 10:17 pm
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Location: In a little city in texas
GEEEEE!!!! This looks so cool!!!


Faction-....What that be?


Gender- female


weight-unknown( Refuse to reveal)

eye color-hazel

hair color & style-long brown in a short braid

Primary weapon(Only weapon)- double 50 caliber Desert eagles(....I guess...)

description- She has a bad attitude, and works under sara. she was forced into the military by her over zealous father, who had wanted sons but was blessede with a beautiful baby girl. She has a sharp eye which makes her a good shot on the front line.

Now my dreams have been fulfilled. I am loved.
Dearly Beloved: Composer- Yoko Shimomura

Last edited by Mia on Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 8:16 pm 
Anceint Member Guy

Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2005 3:08 pm
Posts: 176
Okay lets break this down a bit. Faction is basically which group you want to be involved with. I forgot to edit that out of the sign up when I dictated (for plot reasons) which group all our soldiers would be for.

Now onto your weapons. That 45mm pistol would blow your arm off. If you meant 45 calibur then please edit because 45mm is to large a shell for a person to be firing...thats like...well think of a ruler and get the idea cause thats a little over 30mm. Secondly your 12gauge pistols arent going to happen because pistols dont come in gauges, thats shotguns. IF you mean two sawed off 12 gauge shotguns then please edit that. Finally Side arm is the type of pistol or smaller weapon you carry such as the a 50 calibur desert eagle, or an uzi for an example we are all familiar with. A Fire arm would be something like a machine gun or a sniper rifle. Just wanted to clear that up...sorry if it seems to much of a pain in your ass, I am just a little bit of a gun buff. >.>

Name: Ezekiel Zeroku
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Weight: 180 lbs
Height: 6 foot
eye color: A wild mix between black and red
Hair color: Black (His hair is long and pulled back in a sort of pony tail that doesnt even reach the base of his neck)
Fire arm: M4A1 w/ supressor and 5 x 30 round clips
side arm: Dual 9 mm glocks with 3 x 8 round clips
Description/History: Having been raised in and part of war all his life since he was young he adapted to it and actually came ot enjoy it. He would sneak into battlefeilds and watch soldiers kill each other often rooting for whom he thought deserved to win. He never played favorties based on factions, and only on the honor he saw in each man's eyes. Joining the military he quickly rose through the ranks and was soon at the top of the list for black ops and spec ops operations. Going back to being a normal soldier after 5 years of special operations missions he soon became known as the most phsycotic and dangerous man in the military. He wasnt the first to fight, but if you sent him in to battle for his faction he would do his job perfectly. He was ruthless on the feild of battle and never gave in. This wasnt because he had hope but because he wanted to either complete his mission or die trying, and never aborted a single task. After 3 years of being a regular combatant he went back for one last spec ops mission. After completing that mission the military druged him and put him back in one of their most isolated prisons till they needed his brutality and leadership again. He was in ideal the best there had ever been. Now 4 years after his imprisonment he was dragged out of this corner and brought into a containing cell until the drugs they constantly injected him with wore off. When he awakened he killed his guard with a tea cup but when he tried ot leave the facility he was caught, his skills a little rusty after all those years. Not only was it that, but he had a tea cup and they had guns. So now a month after the incident he was told to pick a squad for their next series of missions. The trick was that he could only pick three memberes and then if more wanted to sign on he would be given the next two and then they would start a squad to partner up so they could multi-task. He looked through hundreds of profiles till he found people that suited his taste and his eyes fell upon three soldiers imparticular. There names were Mia, Sara, and Leos. That is where it all begins.

Please read his history and description, it is gonna be semi important that you understand it. Please do note that he will be your squad leader in these missions, but dont worry, my charas almost always end up treating their teammates like friends. ^.^

Yes, sometimes I am a b****rd, an a***ole and generally not a nice person. If you dont like it you can contact me a Lifesa b***h @get the ***k ove rit.com

Last edited by AngelofDeath5 on Sat Jan 14, 2006 1:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:24 pm 
Legendary Warrior
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My Caracters Description

Name:Leos "Mach 10" Kline






Hair Color:Black

Eye Color:Brown

Primary Fire Arm:PSGI Sniper Rifile

Secondary Fire Arm:two 45 calibur Hand Guns (one on each side), two 6in long knives (one on each side)

Expertise:Expert fighter pilot and expert sniper

History:Leos "Mach 10" Kline got his nickname from hitting Mach 10 and not blacking out. He is also a Dare Devil. He takes chances if he thinks that he can pull it off. Being a Dare Devil is how he made it to Mach 10. During a test flight, he made his F-15E Strike Eagle do a dive. During the dive, he activated the afterburners and hit Mach 10. But as a result of hitting that speed so fast he lost control of the aircraft and had to eject. His actions made the Airforce realize that Mach 10 was no longer a fantsy. They were going to reserch how to make a plane that can take such speed and remain in control. But because of the war, the reserach has drasticly slowed, but it hasnt stopped...yet.

Sorry about the 45mm, I did mean 45 calibur. I was real tried and I was typing too fast. If you dont mind me asking, what is your carecters rank? From his "rich" history, Im guessing he is a Leuitenat Colonel or Colonel.

Legends never die.

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 3:55 pm 
Anceint Member Guy

Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2005 3:08 pm
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At this point he is consider ot have rank equivalent to that of a Major. He hasnt reached colonel but thats simply because he was demoted just before his lock up and drugging for the past few years. So your right in a way, as he is almost a colonel but not quite there yet.

Yes, sometimes I am a b****rd, an a***ole and generally not a nice person. If you dont like it you can contact me a Lifesa b***h @get the ***k ove rit.com

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 1:52 pm 
The king of kings
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Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 12:05 pm
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Location: in my house on the internet.....what a useless question
Chara name: syrus the virus
Faction: Long Island new york
Age: 27
Gender: male
Height: 6'2
Hair/eye color:hair=Dark brown eyes=red
Fire arm: colt 45
Side arm: baseball bat (sometimes)
Anything else: he was framed for murder by his nemesis cactus jack but got found innocent 2 years later and is on the road to a vicous revenge.
Expertise: Great shooter with a 9mm


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 7:47 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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My Caracters Description

Name: Beckitt



Gender: Female

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 10stn

Hair Color: brown

Eye Color:Brown

Primary Fire Arm: a gun (sorry not too great with techincal details.)

Secondary Fire Arm: another gun( I'm thinking more like hand guns for this and two of them in a holster like Lara Croft)

Expertise: High Ranking officer, rarely sees action nowadays though longs for it.

History: (I've used her before, as AOD knows, but I'm not going to take any of that (what has happened before I mean) in to account when I make up her history)

The daughter of a white house senior official, Beckitt has had it made for most of her life, she was destined to become a major political leader but hit a rebelious stage in her life and joined the army. there she used her tactical mind to rise quickly through the ranks and become a commander of her own squad. Now she is a high ranking officer and doesn't get much action in the field. she lives through her men, who are dubbed the White Knights, amongst conspiracy theorists. their existance is largely unknown save a few top officials, inlcuding the president of the USA.

her sub-comander, Collins, is loyal only to her and is in charge of her private squad of men.

recently one of her White Knights has been captured by the enemy and she is determind to get him back with the least amount of exposure.

I'm thinking that she'll meet AOD's character through the process of getting her Man back from the enemy and then become more involved. she is unaware of his release and his orders to form a team of three specialists, she is caught up in the paperwork of the war.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 2:11 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2005 10:04 am
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Hey Angel! Draggy here! If you need another character, I'd love to join. I've been kidna AWOL lately, but with credit hours this semester, I should be able to post no problem! But if you have enough people already that's fine too. Just give me to yay or nay^_^

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 1:47 am 
Anceint Member Guy

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Posts: 176
Okay since there are six of us that want in the crew will consist of six men, but the leader of the group will be my character...also Dragy if you want in I have a role for you if you dont mind...PM me please. I'll start this soon, and the guy with Syrus...just sya the government caught you and is giving you a way out of death sentence by joining my squad. *nods* If thats all okay with you guys.

Yes, sometimes I am a b****rd, an a***ole and generally not a nice person. If you dont like it you can contact me a Lifesa b***h @get the ***k ove rit.com

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 3:26 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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is the way I plan to fit Beckitt in ok? is her character ok? let me know what needs to be changed, if anything?

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 6:50 pm 
Anceint Member Guy

Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2005 3:08 pm
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yeah, its fine Fyre. Just try to follow my lead a bit once this things gets further along...I may want to have your character and her squad act as a bravo unit for my fire team. Maybe not...not entirely sure how I am gonna re-work things to fit it right, but I will.

Yes, sometimes I am a b****rd, an a***ole and generally not a nice person. If you dont like it you can contact me a Lifesa b***h @get the ***k ove rit.com

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 3:03 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Location: Boredom, USA
Name:Jeff "Hands-On" McCarthy






Hair Color:Brown

Eye Color:Green

Primary Fire Arm:None (Medical Bag count?)

Secondary Fire Arm:Single Uzi, and Kabar knife


History:Jeff got the title of "Hands-On" when his entire platoon got surrounded by the enemy. He managed to sneak through enemy lines, and with a roll of medical bandages, garotte the enemy commander. His entire platoon, however was slaughtered right after he snuck away. After that, he snuck around for almost a month, knifing sentries and unprotected soldiers, until the enemy had retreated. whenever he gets caught, he uses his "little kid" side to convince the enemy he was doing what he did out of fear, but now he was safe, and when they bought it, he let them have it with the knife.

Jon, Squire of Lord Ex.

Gods I love that title.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 12:26 am 
Proficient Young Dragon
Proficient Young Dragon

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is this thread still open?

Chara name: Jak Collins
Faction: Keepers?
Age: 28
Gender: male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair/eye color: Black and gray/ Deep blue
Fire arm: Silenced M4 w/ M203 firing Nerve gas rounds. 10x zoom scope w/ laser crosshair. Drum Magazine. low light search light.

Side arm: DE .50 w/ laser

Anything else: Due to the weight of his weapons he has a reduced pack load. He does have a few more gernades than usual.

*Whitty signature here*

Last edited by Buhamat on Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:16 pm 
Anceint Member Guy

Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2005 3:08 pm
Posts: 176
sorry man. I gotta cap it were its at.

Yes, sometimes I am a b****rd, an a***ole and generally not a nice person. If you dont like it you can contact me a Lifesa b***h @get the ***k ove rit.com

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2006 1:13 am 
Proficient Young Dragon
Proficient Young Dragon

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K, maybe next time.

*Whitty signature here*

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:33 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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AOD, I'm going to bow out of this one...sorry mate, not feeling it.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 4:15 pm 
Anceint Member Guy

Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2005 3:08 pm
Posts: 176
Its cool Fyre. To be honest its NOT one of my better works and I'm the only one to blame for that thus far.

Yes, sometimes I am a b****rd, an a***ole and generally not a nice person. If you dont like it you can contact me a Lifesa b***h @get the ***k ove rit.com

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