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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:19 pm 
Avatar of Elements
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Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
"My crew are free to peruse their own personal goals, I wont limit them in anyway, but this is my ship and they are under my command and while they are they will follow my orders. They will act in accordance to CMC directives and show common sense when executing their duties. I demand the best and I expect no less. By no means am I perfect and I don’t expect perfection from my crew but I will not tolerate anything less than the absolute best each is capable of. That includes you.”

I know the captain is an ass hole but i'm really hoping this hits home with all of you. Living by this will keep the captain very happy. Happy means he doesn't yell as much. i also hope it helps reflect the truancy of his personality.


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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 10:29 am 
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In the next day or two i'm going to fast track us off the planet and get us underway so if you have a scene you want to post that requires us to be on the ground nows the time to post. Please just leave the post open ended so its easier for me to fast track.


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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 8:58 pm 
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Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
Drakel Every crew member on the ship is equiped with CMC armor including yourself. The armor acts like a space suit and lets them move and breath very well in space, remember its armor, ment to be tough.


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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sat May 29, 2010 11:05 pm 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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I know, but still if anything goes wrong with the armor it sometimes could be fatal (especially in space). That was pretty much where I was going at. Presides I had to make my char do something so I could post a bit more to stay in the time frame everyone else is at. In other words I’m trying to stay in the story due to my lack of posting.

If my post bothers you I'll edit it to the requirements that'll fit.

EDIT: 6/21/2010 ----- 8:55 PM

Sorry for the second paragraph being a flashback. Tried to get more detail about his race, racial home planet, and a tad of his history down. NOTE: the monarchies' are still alive and still rule over the wraiths but they are more like planetary governors’ than actual rulers. there are 73 monarchies’ for the whole race and 3 of them govern Cironnis (each own one of its moons but none of them could go into another’s territory [moon])

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:40 am 
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Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
Sorry for the second paragraph being a flashback. Tried to get more detail about his race, racial home planet, and a tad of his history down. NOTE: the monarchies' are still alive and still rule over the wraiths but they are more like planetary governors’ than actual rulers. there are 73 monarchies’ for the whole race and 3 of them govern Cironnis (each own one of its moons but none of them could go into another’s territory [moon])

no sirry about it i think its one of the best posts thats come out of you yet.


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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:16 am 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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kk. I was just worried that adding some information to how his race worked (monarchies) would have a negative effect to your story line and go against your vision.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:23 pm 

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Alright, I've thought about what kind of character I'd like to have, and here's what I came up with. I don't know a whole lot about the Maelstrom universe, races, technology, etc. so you'll have to let me know if this character is suitable to be used in the RP thread. Made up my own race for this one. I went into a fairly detailed explanation of the race physiology. My general character info is listed first, followed by a summary of his race, and then a summary of my character's personal physical traits.

Name: Zaxterion
Race: Undaran (un DARR in)
Age: 28
Height: 5'6”
Weight: 140 Lbs

Racial Appearance: As all other Undarans, Zaxterion looks much like a human, with a few differences. Most appendages are the same, two arms, two legs, to ears, as well as two eyes a nose, and a mouth all where they would be on a human. His skin is light and has a constant reddish tint to it, as if he has a permanent minor sunburn. This is due to the fact that all Undarans have very thin skin, with the blood vessels close underneath. He also shares the trait with the rest of his race of having only 4 fingers per hand and 4 toes per foot. The hands have thumbs, and the feet have big toes. Undarans essentially have the same hands and feet of humans, minus the pinky fingers and toes.

Racial Physiology: Undarans aren't as physically grand-looking or showy as some other races, but their physiology offers them many benefits over the norm that aren't obvious by simply looking at them. The source of these benefits is the Undarans unusual circulatory system, metabolism, sensory abilities, and enhanced cognitive speed.

Circulatory System - Undarans have a highly effective circulatory system which includes two hearts and three lungs. The lungs effectively remove every particle of oxygen from the air that filters through them to maximize each breath and keep the blood very rich with oxygen at all times. This is necessary because of the unusually high heart rate of the Undarans. The two Undaran hearts pump blood through the body at triple the rate of the average human. This allows the oxygen-rich blood to rapidly move where it needs to and allow the other special physical features of the Undaran's to function correctly.

Metabolism - Undarans have an incredibly high metabolic rate. With the constant and fast supply of oxygen and bio-fuel (AKA food) an Undaran is capable of producing large quantities of energy that serves several purposes. First, Undarans can engage in prolonged and strenuous physical activities with relative ease. Examples of such activities are running for miles on end at a fast pace and exerting physical force 3 or 4 times as powerful as a human of similar size can exert. In addition, the high metabolic rates of Undarans allow them to be physically resilient to illnesses and let them generate large amounts of heat to keep warm in very cold climates (and even let them heat up entire rooms by themselves when need be to keep others warm). Also, they can heal wounds much more quickly than humans and are even capable of regenerating lost body parts if given enough time. The high metabolic rate of Undarans also make it so the whole race is quite slim and, some might say, delicate-looking, despite their innate strength and physical resilience.

Sensory Abilities - Due to the Undaran circulatory system, all Undaran sensory abilities (which include the 5 human senses; sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch) are much more keen and sensitive than the average human's. Undarans can see fine in very dark environments, and can still make out shapes and surfaces in pitch black, although at that point depth perception suffers a significant amount. Undarans can hear energy waves both above and below the spectrum of human, and even canine hearing. In pitch black, and Undaran actually get's more use out of their ability to hear than their ability to see, as they can get a fairly accurate measure of depth perception by carefully listening to sound waves reverberating off of their surroundings. That, combine with their sight, allows them to operate in complete darkness just fine. In addition, Undarans can smell with the effectiveness of a bloodhound. Their ability to identify and locate even the faintest of smells is remarkable. The nerve endings that register taste and touch are also enhanced, and it's said that Undarans can actually feel the energy inside technological devices when they operate them, and can determine heat levels in what they touch with incredible accuracy.

Enhanced Cognitive Speed - Perhaps the largest advantage that the physiology of Undarans grants is the gift of unparalleled cognitive speed. The steady and rich supply of oxygen and fuel that the circulatory system provides allows Undarans to undertake great mental feats. First, Undarans can process information very quickly, making them excel at activities that require a large amount of mental acuity and precision. Their spacial awareness, tactical thought, and mathematical resolution is unmatched by most other races. The speed at which Undarans can process information and make decisions grant them an almost unnatural responsive time, granting them unparalleled reflexes. Their abnormally keen senses further enhances their ability to see into a situation and make quick, good judgment about what actions to take. It is speculated that the Undaran mind processes so much information so quickly, that they have developed a sort of "precognition" and can sense danger and act almost before they actually know what's going on.

Physical Drawbacks - Although there are many benefits that the Undaran anatomy offers that race, there are inevitably some drawbacks that their physiology imposes upon them as well. Due to their high metabolic rates, Undarans need to consume bio-fuel every couple of hours to operate at their maximum effectiveness.
A hungry Undaran quickly loses it's normal abilities as it's level of fuel with which to synthesize the energy needed to maintain those abilities decreases. In fact, an Undaran who hasn't eaten for a few days becomes less physically capable than a human who hasn't eaten for the same amount of time.
Also, due to the great mental and physical demands of an Undaran's anatomy, they must sleep more often than a human. Although they don't have to sleep as long as a human (usually only 2 or 3 hours at a time), an Undaran must sleep 2 or even 3 times during the course of a day to retain maximum effectiveness. An Undaran who doesn't get the required amount of sleep loses much of their cognitive acuteness, and suffers some as well with their physical aspects. An Undaran can only go for a couple days without sleep before their minds just shut down and slip into unconsciousness. If that happens, and Undaran is essentially in a coma until they get at least 12 hours of consecutive sleep.
Due to the incredibly keen hearing of Undarans, loud sudden noises can disorient them for a short time, and energy on bandwidths too high or too low for humans to hear can irritate them, if not inflict pain upon them at times when the frequency and power of the energy is strong.
Also, their sensitive taste palettes restrict them on what kinds of foods they will willingly eat. Foods that humans might regard as sour, spicy, and exceptionally sweet tend to be repulsive to Undarans. Undarans typically stick with bland food that doesn't irritate their palettes.
Since Undarans have sensitive eyes as well, bright lights can irritate them, and sudden powerful bursts of light can even blind them, although they regenerate their damaged eyes with no problem given the proper rest and bio-fuel. When in situations where excessive amounts of light are present, Undarans can simply close their eyes and navigate via sound just fine. The only problem with this method of awareness is that not are they hindered in that they can't differentiate different shades on flat surfaces (such as writing in a book, or buttons on a flat computer pad) but their "echo-location" is useless when navigating a ship in space, since the sound waves don't reverberate through space and reveal where other ships or objects in space are.

Additional Physical Info If the situation calls for it, and Undaran can force their bodies to suppress their natural processes, and nearly shut down. This technique is typically only used in dire situations. An Undaran is capable of not eating, not sleeping, and even not breathing, for extended periods of time by willing their bodies to shut down all but the most basic physiological processes needed to sustain themselves. In this situation, Undarans can move around as needed, but do so slowly and any physical exertion of a moderate amount or more isn't possible. In addition, cognitive abilities are greatly reduced and all senses are decreased to levels that allow and Undaran to gather no more information from their surroundings than a partially blind, half-deaf human could.

Personal Appearance: Zaxterion, much like the rest of his race, is fairly short and slim, with the signature reddish skin hue of the Undarans. He has jet black hair, and his very sensitive almond-shaped eyes have large pupils and even larger red Irises for trapping as much light as possible. His long Jet-Black hair is typically kept in a low-tied ponytail that reaches down to the bottom of his shoulder blades. He is slim, as is common for Uldarans, and he has well-defined musculature even for members of his race; no doubt a result of his intense physical combat training. He can usually be seen with several knives on him at any time, being a specialist in close-range combat. The loud noise from firearms and heavy weaponry irritates his keen ears, so when the situation calls for aggressive action he prefers to use especially balanced throwing knives from a distance, and well-crafted dueling daggers in close range. He completely forgoes wearing armor, favoring lightweight clothing that cling to his body tightly. This allows him to take full advantage of his keen senses and mobility when in dangerous situations.

That's it for now. I know it was a lot to read, but I figure it's a good foundation on which to build Zaxterion, and the rest of the Undaran race, as needed.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 12:03 am 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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First to read :)

I liked the description of Zaxterion... Yay someone my char can relate to... sorta... they both have albino eyes :)

The thing about the armor and weapons is a little moot... the armor is in a dimensional pocket till activated and is powered so maneuverability is actually improved while wearing it... and it also allows for traveling in space without a ship.... think Gundam/Megaman when thinking of what the armor looks like... and yes you have complete control over what features you add or take off the suit the Armory on the ship was made for customizing the suit... oh and the weapons are energy powered and fired so its all just energy blasts....

For the suit you could go for a less heavy duty variant than what the captain or I have on and specialize the suit in maneuverability and speed and adding plenty of blade weapons... possibly even energy variant blades

Other than that little tidbit about the armor... Everything seems great to me great description on the Undarans :) reminds me a bit about Time Lords... they had 2 hearts as well... and could regenerate... lol

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 12:57 am 
Avatar of Elements
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Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
I like the race, greatly. I think it'll work well; however. FDI was right about the armor, it is standard military issue and is heavily customizable. Think of a cross between megaman and iron man and you get the basic appearance. All weapons are integrated directly into the armor and can be deployed at will. The entire armor is mentally controlled and utilizes a "personal dimensional pocket" that is centered around each individual. Your armor can "slide" out and back in at will. Its very possible/practical to use minimal armor at any time. Typically the captain has only bracers boots and a breastplate when worn casually. However with the speed of thought you can be armored head to toe with armor that can take quite a pounding and even carries a 10hr air supply allowing it to function very effectively in cold space.

Many features you may add to the armor can be manipulated to shield or just buffer your sensitive senses from the world around you, FDI does this using his suits visor as a shade to protect his eyes. The suit even has a layer of tactile sensors that let you feel what the suit touches. A thing to note is that the entire suit is wired into your brain via a single silicon chip the size of a thumbnail implanted at the base of your skull. The suits tactile sensors are wired strait to your brain so u feel with the suit as you would from your skin, however you may mentally adjust the sensitivity at will so you don’t have to feel as much. The suits audio and visual enhancers are played through speakers next to the ears and viewed on the visor and the light or noise level even pitch filtering is possible.

You may armor as much or little of yourself as you wish during the course of the day, when causal you may remove by shifting it away, on duty you must as an officer of the CMC wear enough that the CMC insignia and your rank (of 2nd Lt) are visible. During combat you'll want to be completely armored. Probably while in your fighter too, just incase its destroyed with you in it and u get spaced.

Other then the armor I like it, allot. Only thing else I’d like to see is the char personality and a bit of personal background.

Most of the current thread members char posts are on the 1st and 2nd page of the OOC, take a look at them and you'll get an idea about the armor, but we have had several instances of misunderstanding especially early on so if you look across the thread for my posts you'll find many explanations of it.

Welcome to the thread.


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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:00 pm 
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Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
OK here we go ships weps.
#1 quad repulser beams: they fire a short-mid range blast like a laser bolt. All four are aligned and will hit the same point on the target. They are spread out on the ship and are designed to create massive sheering stresses at a focused point. Think iron mans arm blast but coming from 4 points spread out at the same time hitting the same place.

#2 Plasma batteries: the ship has 4 medium, 2 small and 2 med Gatling plasma batteries. The purpose of plasma is to scorch the hull not to do structural damage. This is a very important weapon though because it weakens the hull so that stresses applied cause it to break down and a very highly increased rate.

#3 Dome turrets: mounted on top of both wings are 360 degree manned dome turrets (dome guns) they can fire freely at anything above, behind, in front or to their respective side of the ship. They fire a plasma torpedo (highly concussive and corrosive) at a high rate of fire that has SMALL tracking abilities, meaning poor maneuverability.

#4 Big gun: mounted under the center of the ship is a massive rotating tri-barreled turret. Its cannons have several weapons they can fire including plasma, plasma torpedoes and repulser. All at high speed. Repulser at high speed is very effective for keeping the pressure off on chasing foes and for preventing collisions of any kind. This turret is manned by 2 crewmen and can hit any target to in a 360 degree dome under the ship.

#5 Mag-rails: there are two mag-rail cannons on board, each is capable of firing a single proton at such superluminal speeds that it will literally hit a ship and tear a chunk out about 3x our size. It has very high range, do not use this weapon unless the captain orders you too. Both canons have 50ft around barrels that run the full length of the ship and are spaced about as far apart as twice the width of top deck. They always fire parallel and can never be adjusted to focus on a single point.

#6 plasmoids: plamoids are small guided pods that are designed to neutralize enemy shielding, they are actually colonies of highly sophisticated bacteria that feed off of shield energy using it to reproduce and replicate themselves. The moment the shield drops they will die from starvation, they die and dissipate quickly, do not use this unless ordered too.

#7on the front of each wingtip are javelin type weapons that fire a massive hook into a ship or asteroid or whatever. It has about 2-3 miles of line though it very rarely gets that far. The ships wings and the ships hull in general are designed to take the stress of toeing or using the hook as a mounting for a high speed turn. The hook can be contracted at will or release and severed from the ship. All hooks have built in detonator with high yield explosives built in that can be remotely detonated.

#8 the ship has a massive ion cannon, about the size of 1 mounted on a space station . Its very powerful, only fired at captains orders it also doubles as a mass driver capable of launching an asteroid into a larger mass.

#9 the hull itself will actually automatically attack small objects headed for the ship, things like meteorites and small projectile weapons, occasionally a fighter may get unlucky when attacking and get raped by the hull.

#10 fighters the ship has 4 fighters. 2 are 1man fighters designed for quick strike rapid response and are built for higher speed. The other 2 are slower 2man fighters and are much more heavily armed. The 4 work very well together and the pilots are well trained. Do not launch fighters unless ordered too.

The reason not to uses these without orders is because they are very powerful and potently dangerous to our ship, as far as the fighters, the cap prefers to keep fighters in accept for emergencies, he doesn’t want to risk the fighters or the pilots lives


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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:58 am 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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kk... first I picked the wrong pic and accidently deleted the real one thinking that is was the one I posted. sooo..... the wraith race has more of a human leg bend instead of it's backwards leg bend(keep the knee spike though). this is not important info but I thought just to let everyone know.

Second I'll have my post up pretty soon..... just thinking on a few things and how the fight will most likely be in a realistic matter.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:31 am 
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Thats cool Drakel just remember this fights gonna take some effort. Not a 1 shot 1 kill type of scenario.


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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:23 am 
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For those of you unfimlure with corse plotting in space. Bearing x mark y range z speed w, arn't just gibberish, they have real meaning. This is what It means.


Imagine your ship is sitting in the center of a flat circle. Well a circle is 360 degrees around. We go counter clockwise with zero being dead ahead 90 to our imidiate port (left), 180 strait behind, 270 immidiate starboard (right).

so a bearing of three two (32) would be ahead and some to the left


now lets take that flat circle and tilt it sideways so its nor running with the ship but perpendicular to the ground, almost like its a swas trying to cut the ship in 1/2. this is a bit easier, dont ask me why the numbers are dif i dont know, they just are. Dead ahead is zero. ahead and down is 1, strait down is 2, down and back is 3, strait back is 4, up and back is 5, strait up is 6, up and forward is 7.

so: Bearing three two mark seven means: ahead and some to the left some above

bearing and mark are reflective of both a corse change and identifying a point or object in space in relation to your location


when used as a corse change its usually something like "bring us about to 232 mark 5, 1/4 impulse power". the word bearing is assumed here bearing but this means turn us around and give us an incline and set our speed to 1/4 impulse power. impulse is a startrek term but you get the point.


This just means how far away the object is in measured distance.
(closing) means its getting closer, (holding) means its no moving, (opening) means its moving away from us. if its moving toward or away from us usully you add how fast if its important.

So a corse correction would be like this: "Bring us about to two three two mark five, 1/4 impulse power."

And explaining an objects location relitive to the ships position is like this: "Sir the object is bearing two one mark one at three light seconds and closing quickly".

Here is a general list of distances in space

20,000 miles or less is said as such.
1/8 light second: 23,250 miles
1/4 light second: 46,500 miles
1/2 light second: 93,000 miles
1 light second: 186,000 miles
1 light minute: 11,160,000 miles
2 light minutes: 22,320,000 miles
5 light minutes: 55,800,000 miles
1 light hour: 334,800,000 miles
1 light day: 80,352,000,000 miles
1 light month: 24,105,660,000,000 miles
1 light year: 289,267,200,000,000 miles
1 parsec: 2,082,723,840,000,000 miles

I did the math myself, these are real numbers.


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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:19 am 
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In the interest of continuing does anyone mind if i double post it. it has been a month afterall.


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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:40 am 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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I'm still in.... so no, As long as we could continue I’m good.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:30 pm 
Godsin Queen
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wow very well organized, and detailed! coodos!

a few questions before I work out a character outline for this though.
I want to make sure I've understood correctly. The suit, it's size is capabled of being manupulated to any size or shape? That means it can be a necklace or ring or something of the sort while not in use, and then become more like a mechanoid suit at the users will, when needed?

Do the ships occupants have to be affilated with one of the political fractions? Say, how would the captain feel about a rouge persay?

How exactly do you want me to introduce a new character into the story if I make one? am I a crew member no one has noticed before, or maybe a hitchhicker that meets up with the group on a planet the ship lands on or something? The answer will determine what kind of character I make.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 2:30 am 
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All members of the ship are part of the CMC. It is a millitary ship from the weapons to the members. The armor is CMC basic issue however its extremly customizable. You have the right idea about the armor too. You can even have it set so none of it is visable. While on duty however you must have enough of the armor showing to display your rank and the CMC insignia, both of which are on the chest.

My girlfriend was Rooma the comunication officer who is now in a coma. We actually had a crew of 32 + the ship AI. At the moment we have 6 posters when the tread was intended to have 7. Its fully plausable that you were just a prevously nameless member of the crew. However our current mission has seen alot of damages and injuries to the crew and the ship. Our next stop a Tycans Drift. Its a space station where we will recieve nurmerous repairs and will mostlikly take on new crew. Understand though that If you join from the drift you wont be CMC personal which means you wont have the armor. either way its up to you.

A small side note after reading through your recent thread a tiny bit while I don't care too much bout grammer and spelling in the OOC the actuall RP thread its really important. Ask drakel just how much we ride him lol. I'm sure that wont be a problem for you I really like how creative you are.


Last edited by Wardonis on Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 1:00 am 
Godsin Queen
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okies, I'll keep that in mind. I'm not very talented in the ways of spelling but I do try, so I hope I'll do well enough to meet up to your standards. I'm still working on that quite a bit, that's for sure.

anywho, I think I'll go with being a formally nameless character. Maybe some kind of trainee, not yet high enough into rank to get noticed.

here I go let me know what you think.

Name: Leon Abrin

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height: 5.2ft

Weight: 143 IBs


Skills: Adapt Linguist, basic combat training, basic medical training

Physical Descrip: Clean cut jet black hair, blue eyes, slinder, and not very masculain at all. He wears a standard medic uniform, and nothing else out of the ordinary.

background/personality traits: Shy and very reclusive. Leon keeps to himself unless he absolutly has to interact with others. To spite his quite and gentle demener her's fairly opionated about most things. He's not the most talented medic as he's still under training, but he does know the basics. He also has a knack for the art of decoding most languages, and acting as a traslator.

He was originally a scout, and milatary grunt who was mostly sent with nagotation missions due to his lingual talents, but recently got into a medical career after an enjury to one of his legs kept him off the field that he was most familar with for quite a while. forcing him to find some other task to keep himself occupied. He turned to the medical field after seeing the massive amount of shipmates that seemed to be getting injured on a dayly basis. He's since healed from his prior injuries, but he still tends to favor the right leg, and perfurs not to be out in the action if he can help it. To spite the fact that he is a very expereinced fighter, he is also a bit of a passifist.

Armor Descip: when not in use it looks a bit like a set of oversized dog tags around his neck. When in use it covers his entire body in a varity of forest and neon green armor plates, It has heavily exagerated shoulder plates, and very bulky spring loaded legs with jet purpulsion tech in it's blade like feet. A pulse cannon is in the place of the left arm, and the other arm is thinly plated, and is normal size. To spite the oddity of it's poportions it's suprisingly agile, and has excpetional manuvarbilty.

To discribe it's movments it appears to look as if it skates through the air leaving a small trail of neon green light behind from the tips of it's feet.

The pulse cannon can fire shots the size of basketballs, but when putting the cannon through such use it takes quite a long time to charge, and quickly over heats the weaponry if used in such a way too frequintly. It can shoot smaller burst about the size of base balls. This is much more effecent as far a speed goes, but far from as powerful as a fully charged shot. Extended use can also over heat the weapon fairly quickly, just not as fast as it would by fully charging the weapon.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

Last edited by Pandora on Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 7:41 am 
Avatar of Elements
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Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
I like the char, couple of things though. #1 we need you as our communications oficer, think Uhura from classic star track, usually works best if your a decent linguist. #2 before your promoted your rank would be Ensign. Thats a basic rank. most of the posters are luitenants, with FDI being a luitenant commander. with your introduction when I bring you in though you will recieve a promotion to luitenant yourself and you will be a seinior officer otherwise known as bridge officer.

you don't have to ditch the medical stuff, just add some so your char has the credentials to fill communications.


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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:42 am 
Godsin Queen
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ok, I fixed it, I think.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:15 am 
Avatar of Elements
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Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
Looks good, we should be done with this section within 8-10 posts, I'll bring you in after that.

EDIT: Ciarda and I were up all night on the phone talking last night, about 6 hours on the phone really. And well, we have decided to bring The Maelstrom and Secrets of the Lost completly into the same universe and time line. Infact we are planning on writing them into a trilogy book series. Secrets of the lost will be book one, the Maelstrom will be book two and Book three is currentlly untitled. If you have a char in either of these stories and you allow us to use those char in the books you will recieve credit for your controbutions. If you'd prefer we not use your chars in the actual book version we will make sufficient alterations at your request just let us know. The books WILL NOT mirrior the RP threads. We will use the RP threads more as a guide so please don't curb your imagination. Be as creative and inventive as you can be.


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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:08 pm 
Godsin Queen
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okies just give me a heads up when I'm supposed to jump in.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:11 am 
Avatar of Elements
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Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
Just a question for those in the thread. if while at home oneday doing your normal thing homework, games whatever and it suddenly got dark outside. and dark at a time the sun should be shinning bright like 2-3 in the afternoon. you run outside to see whats up and floating above your house is the Maelstrom. I drop a rope down to you. would you...

A. tell me to get lost and stop blocking the sun
B. come up for a look around
C. want to instantly become a permenant member of the crew and explor the galaxy with me


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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:42 pm 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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if I choose C do I get to kill things?... or better yet if I choose B, when I'm done looking around, do I get to burn the ship down??... or better yet if I choose B do I get to keep Cyriscel as my personal pet/best friend and teach him the magical wonders of the power of FIRE!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: OOC: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:22 pm 
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I was asking this purly non RP. If I littereally showed up with the ship at your house.


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