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 Post subject: Labrynth of Al'Hatai
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 1:07 am 
The Broken One
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Cold stone awaits those who waken to find themselves in the labrynth. Nothing but the feel of it beneath them and black around them. No lights, nothing that gives even the slightest hint of a glow. The air is chill as the middle of a blizzard yet not a single breeze stirring through the silent corridor.
Each is alone, each has nothing but the clothes on their backs, and each has no idea what awaits them in the darkness

Wolf groaned as he sat up, rubbing at his head ruefully. "I'm a prisoner, not a punching bag," he growled. Squinting in the dark, he tried to make anything out.
Well this is great, he thought. Either I'm blind again or there's no light. Either way this can't be good.
Inching forward, he made his way carefully, trying to find a wall or something to orient himself to. His hand met cold rock and walked along it, hoping to find somewhere that wasn't so god-awful cold.

Meat. Meat and flesh. Creatures in its domain. Fresh prey. What were they? Something living and breathing. The labrynth told it so. It whispered of intruders to be eradicated. Intruders with warm flesh for tearing. It had been a while since anything fresh came down here
The great beast turned its sightless head this way and that, listening. There were several. It would be fun to hunt again

not turkey! no say gobble gobble...
i'm not evil...i just pull a lot of pranks that happen to be felonys

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 Post subject: Re: Labrynth of Al'Hatai
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 1:18 am 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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Helis woke up feeling great as he had achieved his goal to get thrown in prison but it was boring just sitting here in this dusty chamber, so he decided that he would break out to make things fun again. I do hope breaking out of this place will be as fun as getting in he thought as he began stretching and going about his morning exercises. When he finished his stretching he decided that it was time to get moving and began along his merry way down the tunnel with a small flame cupped in his hands that he had summoned up.

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: Labrynth of Al'Hatai
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:19 pm 
hufflepuff head of house
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I am going to kill that man when i get out of here, oh wait he will already be dead thank you drow law Alondor sat up and looked around, the maze he had been thrown in was dull and boring.

Oh joy another king who enjoys mazes and probably minotaurs, that human did well though

Standing up and stretching his legs Alondor pulls the hairclip he made that doubled as sunglasses. He puts the sunglasses on and walked off hoping to run into a monster he could statle and get a weapon off of.

To the well organized mind death is but the next great adventure

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 Post subject: Re: Labrynth of Al'Hatai
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:42 pm 
Solitary Serpent
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Klofka opened her eyes or, at least thought she had. The darkness surrounded her with the same intensity either way. Where was she?
The last thing Klofka remembered was her troop being ambushed. Had she died in battle? Was this the afterlife? What a wretched way to spend eternity!
Klofka shifted her weight and realized she was laying on something hard and cold. Maybe this wasn't the afterlife after all! Maybe she still had a chance at life! Klofka sat up to the best of her ability. The darkness was disorienting. She checked herself, running her hands over her body. She discovered she had a few minor cuts and bruises, nothing she couldn't heal.
After healing herself, Klofka stood and started cautiously forward with her arms outstretched. She quickly found a wall, hard and cold like the floor beneath her. What kind of place was she in? She had to find a way out. Hoping her eyes would adjust to the darkness soon, Klofka began to follow the wall, keeping one hand on it at all times.

Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .

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 Post subject: Re: Labrynth of Al'Hatai
PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:20 am 
The Broken One
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OOC: sunglasses in a pitch black corridor, DM? lawlz

The corridor is long and dark. It goes on and on, forever in a straight line. You can't tell how far it goes or where. You can hear others walking every once in a while but don't know where they are. The stone never changes, the cold never changes.
Find the exit before the creature finds you.

IC: Wolf was getting sick of this. The path just went straight and as far as he could tell there was to end and no beginning. He was getting the impression he was probably going to spend the last days of his life walking in a straight line. Every once in a while he'd catch the echo of something ahead of him (or behind, he couldn't really tell). It would sound like someone else walking but he wasn't sure.
Especially because... it sounded like hooves. A horse?
"Hello?" he called, squinting to see anything in the darkness. "Someone there?"

Echos. Voices. Real voices, not the whispers of the labrynth that only told secrets inside its head. The creature was coming, looking for their warm flesh, seeking their living blood.

not turkey! no say gobble gobble...
i'm not evil...i just pull a lot of pranks that happen to be felonys

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 Post subject: Re: Labrynth of Al'Hatai
PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:21 am 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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Helis was almost skipping along the path in excitement about the thought of breaking out of the labrynth and was sort of wondering where the passage would lead and everytime he stopped he could hear something tapping along the floor like feet but harder occasionally but didn't overly mind and sometimes he could hear a lighter steps than that but these seemed to never come from the same place. With his little ball of fire cupped in his hand he came across a skeleton that seemed to have bite marks all across its bones and he shivered in excitement. He then continued on his merry way not even paying any more attention to the bones that littered the floor.

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

Last edited by Forgotten Dragon's Ire on Tue Jan 19, 2010 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Labrynth of Al'Hatai
PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:05 pm 
hufflepuff head of house
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OOC he is a drow, the darkness does not effect him, so it would be like wearing sunglasses in a lit room

IC Walking, walking, walking, walking, and more F-ING WALKING. Suddenly Alondor hears the sound of hoofs hitting stone, picking out the general direction of the sound Alondor ran off with the spell to let off a flash on the tip of his tongue, ready to go the second he got the smallest glance

To the well organized mind death is but the next great adventure

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 Post subject: Re: Labrynth of Al'Hatai
PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:24 pm 
Solitary Serpent
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Klofka wandered for what seemed like hours. How long could this corridor possibly be?!
Suddenly, a voice echoed from close behind her. Klofka stopped in her tracks.
What was that?! She squinted into the darkness behind her, but couldn't find even the outline of another being. This little fact was very disconcerting. Had there actually been a noise, or was her imagination beginning to taunt her? If it was another creature, what kind was it? Was it friendly? In a place like this, Klofka doubted anything she encountered would be friendly.
Not wanting to make herself an easier target (if whatever it was was indeed an enemy), Klofka did the only thing she could do, she continued forward. Slowly this time, keeping her steps as quiet as possible, hoping she whatever it was wouldn't follow her.

Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .

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 Post subject: Re: Labrynth of Al'Hatai
PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 5:29 pm 
The Broken One
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OOC: FDI please pay more attention to the GM posts indicated in blue. They'll tell you your surroundings. No branches, no rooms of any sort. Just a straight corridor that never ends in one direction or the other.
You gotta pay close attention to the blue posts, guys. I've done one of these kinds of rps before and it was insanely fun but it doesn't work if you don't pay attention to the GM posts. You can improvise rooms and traps if there isn't already a set surrounding like this one. GM posts also have clues that tell you how to pick out the answer to the test. So really pay attention because something that seems unimportant might be key. But then again something that seems key might be unimportant. Every once in a while, the Drakkenlich's post will have hints too :wink:
Don't worry, nothing really ruining it so far. Just wanting to clarify before anything does happen that I can't fix
Oh and DM, its not something you have to change but I was hoping you would follow biological accuracies. Even creatures that see in the dark like cats and such require even the tiniest pin-point of light. That light then reflects around the eye and is magnified to create 'night vision'. Seeing as there is absolutely no light in existance in this corridor, you still shouldn't be able to see
But like I said, don't worry about it. I'm just being a geek again, I guess. I'll just have to make sure hallways are 'magically' darkened from here on out if I need people blind for the test

IC:The ceiling is low, though not visable you can feel it pressing down on you. The chilling cold in the stones and air tells you that you're pretty deep down. How wide is the hallway? Very. But most of you have been following the walls for some time and haven't bothered exploring, now have you?

Wolf was getting decently pissed. The sound had stopped, whatever it was or whoever it was had either stopped moving or taken steps to cover their noise.
"Seriously, someone there?" He was loathe to take his hand from the wall but figured it the safest course. Who knew what would happen if he wandered off into the dark. Get lost and killed by some creature, most likely. He could work with the dark, having been blind for some time, but that didn't mean he felt up to fighting beasts without sight.
"Come on!" he growled at the darkness. "I'm not gonna hurt you as long as you return the favor! I just want to know if you want to eat me or something! If you are, can you just get your ass over here and get to it already?!"

Where were they? Where were they?
The creature listened to the whispers of the labrynth, turning its head one way and then the other. Its dead eyes seeing nothing yet it knew every inch of its kingdom and every smell of every beast and enchantment. And the intruders were...
Down. Below in the wanderer's corridor. The huge circle that had such a slight curve that it appeared to go straight. It was the very bottom of the labrynth and a wonderful place to chase prey.
With a trumpet of satisfaction, the creature made its way down

not turkey! no say gobble gobble...
i'm not evil...i just pull a lot of pranks that happen to be felonys

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 Post subject: Re: Labrynth of Al'Hatai
PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 8:38 pm 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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OOC: Okay Makla i hear and obey, i retooled my earlier post to fit the labrynth(without the branching corridors although i left the mention of skeletons as Helis has fire to see by) I'll try to keep my posts within line sorry bout that DM i was always under the impression that drow could see both infrared and normal spectrum but when their eyes met light it hurt because they spent most of their lives underground not that they could see light where there wasn't any

IC: As Helis walked along his merry way he kept on coming across the scattered bones of skeletons and a few times the bones were still red from blood. Normally nothing perturbed Helis but this started to unnerve the spellscale. Helis thought he could hear a voice calling but he wasn't sure and this pathway never seemed to end so to mitigate his boredom he conjured a small ball of flame and sent it flying down the path to see if an end might be coming soon. As the ball continued down the path he could see that the ball of flame was getting ever closer to the wall even though he knew he sent it straight ahead. An idea struck him then that it wasn't as straight a path as it seemed but he knew the knowledge didn't help him much so he just filed it away in his mind for later.

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: Labrynth of Al'Hatai
PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:38 pm 
hufflepuff head of house
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Alondor was tired of walking in a straight path so he decided to sit down and wait. Sitting Alondor made a dim ball of light float in front of him, he was not going to let this laberynth drive him crazy

OOC no problem, just make sure to tell me if magical light won't work either ok?

To the well organized mind death is but the next great adventure

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 Post subject: Re: Labrynth of Al'Hatai
PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:24 pm 
The Broken One
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Screw this.
Wolf was sick of going nowhere and finally left the safety of the wall. Instead he set a path exactly perpendicular to the wall and after a few minutes walking he ran into another wall.
"Oh so it ends in this direction," he grumbled. "Wonderful. I'm guessing this thing is just some long hall we'll go mad in before we find the end..." He let out a wry chuckle. "Looks like its working. I'm talking to myself."
He could feel the ceiling looming above him and was curious just how close it came to his head. Reaching up, he felt nothing. Standing on his toes and reaching up, he felt the barest brush of something against his fingertips. Jumping he could get a touch. It was made up of the same material as the walls and floor: cold rock.
The cold... How far down were they? Wolf walked away from the wall again, every once in a while jumping to touch the ceiling just to make sure it was still low. Either this cold was some enchantment or it was from being deep in the earth. Seeing as The Order's little hideout was an underground teir, he could very honestly say that this felt natural, not like some magical occurence.
"If that's true.... Then then exit would be up." He looked up, though sure he wasn't going to see anything. "Fan-freakin'-tastic."

So many layers. So many steps. They were down there. Six floors down. The creature couldn't wait to be down there. To find them. To taste their warm flesh down its dead throat

not turkey! no say gobble gobble...
i'm not evil...i just pull a lot of pranks that happen to be felonys

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 Post subject: Re: Labrynth of Al'Hatai
PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 12:14 am 
hufflepuff head of house
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alondor was tired of sitting and no one seeing him, he was sure that if someone were to come they would be able to figure out tha puzzle. getting fed up with the waitng though he stood up and proceeded to run down the hall as fast as he could, he did not care if someone heard him, he would be happy with company or a fight. his ball of light was following him at an equal speed he was sure the walls would eventually stop if he continued as he was.

To the well organized mind death is but the next great adventure

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 Post subject: Re: Labrynth of Al'Hatai
PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 12:37 am 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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Helis was definitely getting bored with this endless not so straight hallway but there did not seem anywhere else to go but forward or backward so he chose to continue forward. At times he thought he caught a glimpse of light but dismissed it as fancy. So just to pass the time he began to draw mystical patterns on the walls in fire as he passed leaving them burning in his wake.

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: Labrynth of Al'Hatai
PostPosted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:06 pm 
Solitary Serpent
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As Klofka tip-toed forward, the voice around her grew louder but still incomprehensible. This time, it sounded angrier. Klofka couldn't help but to be frightened. Her warrior side told her to be strong, but the rest of her screamed to run. She managed to contain herself and continue on her slow path. But even as she walked, the voice drew nearer. Footsteps could now be heard also. It was coming from behind! The creature was behind her!
Klofka bolted. She had to get away, to find an escape. Her fingers still trailed along the wall as she quickly tried to put distance between herself and whatever it was chasing her. Before she could even reach a full gallop, Klofka's hooves found rocks jutting up from the ground. The centaur stumbled, trying to keep her balance. It was no use. Klofka let out a cry as she crashed to the floor.
It took her a second to regain her bearings. From her position on the floor, Klofka reached her hands out, feeling for the wall but could not find it.
"Oh no! What have I done? What have I done?!" the ceantaur exclaimed as she scurried around on the floor, searching for the wall.

Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .

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 Post subject: Re: Labrynth of Al'Hatai
PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 1:52 am 
The Broken One
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OOC: Sorry guys. Been having virus issues with the ol' lappy

IC: Wolf heard her.
That didn't sound like any monster to him. Rushing forward, he hurried towards the voice. "Don't move, I'm coming!"
He didn't care that he'd left the wall. He wasn't sure how close he was to it or not but all he knew was that he was sick of being alone in this darkness without a clue. Plus, the voice sounded female and damn his male instincts to feel the need to protect a woman
As he was thinking on this, he promptly tripped over her

5 floors down. It could feel them down there, wandering in the dark. 5 floors until it could taste their blood

not turkey! no say gobble gobble...
i'm not evil...i just pull a lot of pranks that happen to be felonys

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 Post subject: Re: Labrynth of Al'Hatai
PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:29 am 
hufflepuff head of house
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OOC: finally evidence that we are allowed to meet the other characters so i will join you

IC Alondor heard the scream and then a faint shout, deciding that at the very least it would be a temptation by a random monster that he could kill, alondor ran towards it. Since he had suprior eye sight he did not trip but saw a random mass that had a centaur and a humanoid creature. "well at least i have someone to talk to" Alondor said taking his hand and offering it to the fallen people

To the well organized mind death is but the next great adventure

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 Post subject: Re: Labrynth of Al'Hatai
PostPosted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:19 am 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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Helis heard some noise up ahead of him and so he sent an orb of fire to illimunate the scene and found to his surprise a centaur sprawled on the floor with 2 other humanoids nearby one being a human and the other a drow. "Well hello nice to meet you all i hope you have been having as much fun as i have wandering these halls" Then with a radiant smile on his face he continued "It has been marvelously fun but to tell the truth it was starting to get boring but now that you are all here it has just become fun again" with that he sent a burst of fire in the air that expanded into the word "YAY" that shifted colors and finally faded into oblivion.

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: Labrynth of Al'Hatai
PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:52 pm 
Solitary Serpent
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Klofka let out a small squeak of shock as something ran into her. She struggled to push whatever it was off of her before it could do her any harm.
"Get off!" she demanded as she continued to push at the creature she couldn't see. It smelled somewhat like a dog, but her hands had found no fur.
Before she could untangle herself, Klofka heard another voice, followed quickly by a ball of fire illuminating the scene. Klofka suddenly stopped struggling when she saw the human entangled with her and another human a few feet away.
"I'm so-," the centaur started but was cut off by another being joining the trio. Obviously, he was the creator of the fireball for, as soon a he finished talking, a word spelled out in fire illuminated the corridor for a second. Klofka remained still, dumbfounded. Who were these people? And what were they doing here as well?

Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .

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 Post subject: Re: Labrynth of Al'Hatai
PostPosted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:12 pm 
hufflepuff head of house
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still holding out his hand alondor stated "i am not going to bite we are all here for some reason so as some surface dwellers say 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' but if you do not want to work with a drow that is perfectly ok with me"

OOC Ersska just going to point out alondor has a ball of light as well and that would have gotten to you before the fireball did

To the well organized mind death is but the next great adventure

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