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 Post subject: The Blood Arch
PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 1:52 am 
Legend of Old

Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2005 7:49 pm
Posts: 534
As in every story in which heroes are needed, a time of crises had appeared. The humble king of Beloth, Samuel, had finally achieved his birth right and took his thrown and kingdom. Though the tears of his people still drenched the soil from their late ruler's passing, celebrations were had by all who inhabited the bountiful land's walls. Samuel was an empathetic and kind king who ruled with care and compassion for his people. The land prospered under his guide and its people prospered. It was said that this beautiful land flowed with milk and honey, but not everything was as golden as it seemed. Even the brightest stars have their shadows.

The kings brother, Dessius, was the quintessence of that shadow. He was sinister, twisted, and above all... power-hungry. As his father ruled Beloth, Dessius attempted numerous times to alter the kingdom's affairs behind the scenes without his father's knowledge. Naturally he was infuriated when it was announced that his younger brother was chosen to inherit the prosperous kingdom. His malevolent search for power drove him insane, but he realized while Samuel was in the kingdom's halls, he was untouchable. Despite being a nation of peace and harmony, Beloth was known for its militant strength and the quality of her warriors. Among the finest were Samuel's guards and teachers of the arts of war. Even if anything were too happen with the young king, the people certainly had a voice. He knew Beloth's people would raise their swords and pitchforks against him if were to slay his brother. No one, not even Dessius, could touch young Samuel.

Dessius disappeared shortly after Samuel was anointed. A loyal subject had said that he had run off in a maniacal rage shouting tales about a fabled arch of some sort. Upon further research, the scribes and wizards within Samuel's council informed him of the legend of the Blood Arch. Before the Dracunda civilization fell, they forged the fabled arches and spread them to focal points in the world. The Blood Arch that Dessius had mentioned according to legend was forged in the blood of the demon Zune. This demon was the most terrible and virulent monster of all the world, and when he was slain, the Dragunda people forged an artifact that would harness his power through Zune's blood. Wherever the blood arch was used, blood would follow. It granted the wielder unspeakable power over otherworldly forces that hell itself would not claim their own. With its power, The Dragunda people set out on a bloody conquest for power. It is a mystery to why they disappeared, but it said their precious weapon was left behind.

The ancient scrolls and tablets indicated that the Arches possibly could be located in the shadow lands. Samuel called for Beloth's finest, and they came. Warriors of all sorts of skill, talents, and valor approached the beloved king with undying determination and loyalty. Even a mighty dragon swore her life to defending the thrown.

But they needed a guide...

That’s where I came in. I and my brother I'zack approached the thrown with our orders for an audience with the king. We knew the shadow lands like the back of our hands. We were orphaned in those dank lands, and we struggled for survival. When we grew strong enough, we raised our swords against beasts and demons all the like and fought our way to Beloth. I swore on Heaven and Hell that I would never return, but I lied. Samuel's kind heart and his care for his people inspired me. Upon his promise to be a knight of the Beloth kingdom, I agreed to return to hell's gate, the shadow lands. Any man who has such a compassion for his people deserves respect, and he had the shadow twins' loyalty.

With that, we set off. I must say the warriors accompanying us could have been better. Each one had such a spirit for their people and a care for humanity itself. Their talents were numerous, and their aid proved critical to out goal, find the Blood Arch. We traveled to the place I'zack and I once called home after fighting vampires and werewolves and many other horrible things. The scrolls lead us to the remnants of the shadow arch. It was apparently destroyed years past, but the artifact possessed so much power that its dark force still lingered and poisoned the lands. My beloved brother had discovered a shard of the forgotten relic. We hoped it might lead us to the Blood Arch. We had heard that all the arches were some how intertwined with each other, so we decided that it would benefit us to attain it.

We did not know the cost...

My brother... started hearing voices of strange beings calling for him. Every time he heard this voice we were viciously attacked by these warriors made from shadow! Solid black, demonic, horrible creatures slain many of our friends, and were only defeated by the light. When the sun came up, the disappeared with the shadows while we bled. While we tried to get rid of the shard, it imbedded itself into I'zack's hand. It could not be removed. We were all happy to survive, but neat less to say, we were horrified. Never have we faced such creatures like this. It still pains me to no end that they have a hold on my brother's mind. After we burried and said a prayer for our fallen bretheren, we tended to our wounds and pressed forward though the blood and the sorrow.

We made it to the village of Hargoth. Its a calm, but run down village of outsiders who's loyalty lies to the king, but not to the kingdom. Tradition forbids them to leave their sacred land, despite the fact it is tainted. They kept saying, "through conviction comes power." Don't know what the hell they are talking about, but they provided for us. And here we are, waiting to heal... waiting to leave... waiting to find the Blood Arch and to stop Dessius...

We are the hand of Samuel... Beloth... the world... is counting us.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 1:54 am 
Legend of Old

Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2005 7:49 pm
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How you meet with the shadow twins is ultimately up to you. I promised you an RP worth participating in, and here it is. I am sorry, I have really lost my touch... I cannot write like I once could, but this should be fun. If I get enough people we can start.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 6:25 am 
Cererean Princess
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Char types, char sheet?

Formerly DragonRider. Almost teenage me could have been more imaginative with names.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:36 pm 
Legend of Old

Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2005 7:49 pm
Posts: 534
Guess this is too old school for you.

The Character type is up to you... Dont care who you are as long as your not a god-moding spam freak.

The character sheet is your responsibility. If I give you a certain set, it will stunt your creativity. It should not be too hard...

Surprise me...

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:55 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon

Joined: Sat Jun 24, 2006 7:15 am
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sounds cool i'll join deffiantly, i'll be back with a charecter later

go on press the link you know you wanna

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 Post subject: FINALLY!
PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 1:43 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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OK, people! So I heard that my sweetie is starting up a new RP and so, especially for this I'm making a brief come-back from my student-teaching organizational hell to participate. Unfortunately, though, right now this one is all I cna handle. Keep and eye out though for something in a couple months^^


Glad to see you're actually starting this one Baby, it looks really good (hence why I'm making the effort at a come-back for it, lol^^). I have a couple characters in mind who may work well, but I think Abyss will work the best, with his knowledge of all things shadowy and evil...y, lol. So that said, here's his info for others who have not RPed with me when I've used him in the past:

Name: Abyss Pitchblade
Age: unknown, VERY old, though, even as most normal dragons go
Race: Nether Dragyn (and that's WHY he's so old, lol, Nether Dragyns live much longer than regular dragons)

Appearance- Human form:
Height: 6'5"
Weight: ???
Hair: Black, tossled, long enough that it falls into his face, but still short enough to be just a guy's cut.
Eyes: One bright blue, the other bright red
Build: Very built, muscly, etc, but seeing as he doesn't exactly walk around shirtless, you'd never know, really
Pref. Clothing: Usually either a blue, tan, or white tunic or muscle shirt, black pants, heavy thick boots made from dragon scales of various subtle colors, black cloak, black gloves, a series of belts round his middle (think Squall from FFVIII, sort of).
Defining features: Tattoo on his right shoulder of a black Nether Dragyn with red eyes- eyes glow when he's shifting to dragyn form- fangs, and his ears, which even in human form maintain little ridges on them, so that when these are noticed he can't always just blend right in.

Appearance- Dragyn form: Let it just suffice that he's a pretty big dragyn. He's black with silver-ish white "trimmings" so to speak, meaning the spikes along his back, the pincers at the end of his tail, the fin-like structures on either side of his face (about where his ears would be), and his claws. In his full Nether Dragyn form (think Hell Dragon for an equivilant) his scales go from being a keen, lustry black to dull, lifeless black so that he literally almost looks like a living shadow. Except that shadows don't constantly bleed black sludge from various wounds, nor do they possess burning red eyes. Also, in this second dragyn form his claws, spikes, and fangs not only become substantially longer, but they take one a reddish sheen, as though they were blood-stained. The fins on the side of his head disappear and become a set of spikes, and spikes appear at the edges of his wings. He also gains a slight acidic quality to his venom. In this form, anywhere he goes, a trail of black smoke follows and often kills any plants, grass, etc that he happens to walk across. All in all, he avoids this second dragyn form until he absolutely has to use it, as it draws not only on his own power, but also o Pitchblade's.

Weapons: Claws, fists, tail, knows how to use a sword, just doesn't actively carry one.

Personality: Despite his intimidating appearance in either human or dragyn form, Abyss is actually a very laid-back, well meaning guy. In truth, he'd much rather have a good laugh over a good drink than fight, unless it involves exacting a certain amount of justice or ridding the world of one more unsavory character. In his exceptionally long life he has seen much, and while he is not flagrantly open with the knowledge that he possesses, he will use it when he sees fit to aid those who may benefit from it. His long years have also seen a certain amount of damage done on his part to others, and part of him is in constant battle for redemption for it. Thus, while at heart he is a laid-back and fun-loving, very honest, and fairly open person, he also knows when to be serious and how to use his experiences to the benefit of his peers.

History: Abyss is the son of the two greatest dragon clan leaders of the age, Pitchblade, Lord of the Nether Dragyns, and Luminescence Mistress of the Magi clan of Dragons. Initially Luminescence's intent when mating with Pitchblade was to create with him an offspring who would be more powerful than Pitchblade himself, and who would kill him when the time came. Pitchblade was, after all, the Lord of the Nether Dragyns and as such the hollower of Hell and the lord of sorrows, answering only to his creator, the Rebellious Angel himself. Seeking to end his reign of terror, Luminescence mated with him and had one offspring, that being Abyss. What she did not anticipate was the child's aptitude for all things magic, both light and dark, holy and sacreligious, nor did she count on his immense ability in battle. But this was proven when war broke out between the Nether Dragyns and the Magi clan, and her son fought against his father. As she had hoped, he won, but at a terrible price. Pitchblade's body was destroyed, but his soul, had it not been caught and trapped by Abyss and Luminescence, would have just gone back to hell. And so, without Abyss's consent, Luminescence trapped Pitchblade's soul within the young dragyn, via a forced tattoo on his right shoulder in his human form. He did not take it well and her good intent turned against her when her only son began his own reign of terror, turning to the Nether Dragyns as his true people and committing YEARS of unspeakable acts with them as their king. She could not know that he was under his father's sway, and only after another great battle would he again subdue him. Since that last battle he has become a wanderer, aimlessly going where the wind, rumor and his feet take him, seeking to right the wrongs of his past. From time to time he wanders home to see his mother and his half-siblings, but at this particular time, rumors of an ancient, familiar darkness have brought him to Hargoth, hoping that for once he may be wrong.

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 11:31 pm 
Proficient Young Dragon
Proficient Young Dragon

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Exx! Dragy! Glad to see some familiar faces.

Name: Cypher
Age: 50
Race: A few
Given his roots, Cypher is surprisingly human-like in appearance. He stands just over 6 feet and is just a tad thinner than most. His hair for the most part is silver with darker tones of grey more prevalent around his right ear. Cypher's eyes are a brilliant blue that have a unique golden flare that radiates out from the pupil. His skin holds a slight tan and is surprisingly soft. However, along his back, specifically near the spine, his skin becomes scale like and much darker in tone.

Cypher has an interesting past of sorts. His father was the tainted product of a elven mother who had been raped by a band of demonic raiders. Upon his conception he was handed over to a nomadic tribe that existed simply to shelter such misfits. Cypher's mother was of similar origin. She was the created after a human sacrifice for a dragon that supposedly attack the town's livestock. The dragon wasn't fond of the the taste of humans but quickly found a purpose for her. Their child (Cypher's mother) found herself in the same nomadic clan. Obviously, after growing up together with a common trait, they fell for eachother and gave birth the Cypher. The string of unwanted children finally ended.

*Whitty signature here*

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 1:33 am 
Dragonfish Warrior
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Location: In a sunken Nuclear Submarine using the satellite commlink to talk to my fellow dragon belivers.....
Name: Ashten Glade

Age: ??

Gender: Male

Race: Armor (once a half-dragon)

Looks: He is a black suit of armor that is now scratched and dented. As he was once a half-dragon he has claws instead of hands. His wings are mainly decorational as he can only fly short distances. There are runes etched along each piece of the armor--there is even at least one rune on each link of the chainmail. His helm is encrusted with a ruby, and is of a unique design.

Weapons: A large Greatsword, engraved with his fiance's name; Olivia.

History: Ashten was once a skilled assasin; mainly of merchants and the like. That is until he was hired by a gang leader nicknamed "The Speckled Tiger". She, through her contacts, assigned him the difficult task of assasinating Dessius, at the time thought to be the next king. He wasn't going down easy, so Ashten assembled some people he knew back from his childhood and began plotting... A few weeks later they were in, but unfortunatly one of the guards took a shortcut through the alley that they were waiting in. They silenced him quickly, but not quick enough. Arrows whistled overhead killing two of his friends almost instantly. Unfortunatly his wife-to-be was not so lucky. An arrow went right through her leg pinning her to the wall. The guards were coming so he had to act fast. He pulled the arrow out despite her urges to leave, and attempted to scale the wall with her on his back. A second wave of arrows assalted them, killing her and wounding him. He carried her dead body for almost a block before collapsing; how he never knew. Now he was dazed and halfway insane with rage. He stumbled into a shop looking for something to help him get his revenge. The shopkeeper boasted a suit of armor that would make the user invisible, and invincible. He paid the shopkeeper much more than it was worth and put it on. It melded to fit his body instantly even his claws, wings, and tail, were shrouded in chain mail. He rushed the castle but was captured before even reaching the inner gates. The man who he was sent to kill laughed at him and spat in his face. When the guards tried to remove the armor it wouldn't come off, so they through him, armor and all into the prison. It was only later, in a moonlit puddle, did he discover the armor's effects. It did make him invisible, but the suit itself did not. His body gone he could not suffer fatigue or physical pain so he was tecnically invincible. He tricked and killed the guards taking one's longsword, which he engraved with his fiance's name. This was his way of vowing to kill the prince(now the king's brother), and foil whatever plots he might hold. He retreated to the shadow lands, where he plotted, waiting in vain for his chance for revenge.

Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.

Last edited by Jishdefish on Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 5:47 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon

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Location: in your wardrobe
Name:kaosu Yang((chaos-oo yang))

Appearence:average height for a female, maybe a bit shorter but its unnoticable.She has dark purple hair which is usually put up and has been mistaked for black and dark blue eyes.She has black symbols tattooed up both her arms from her hands to her shoulders which she has no idea about there origins and black swirly markings across her face which are the markings of her race.She has purple wings which are shiny and mostly seethrough and like dragonfly wings.

Weapons:A sword and some throwing knives which are only used in emergencies

Skills:Melee,sneaking,magic and acrobat.
Sub Skill:lock pick
Trait:Unstable Karma

Her magic is that she has power to create chaos and law(dark and light, ying and yang ect.)She can create dark and light energy which she can create into balls of energy to throw at people causing them damege (dark magic) or small amounts of healing to the area she aimed it at (light magic). She can temporarily shroud herself in darkness or blind her enemies .She can also use her power over chaos to cause people chaos or bad luck

go on press the link you know you wanna

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:26 pm 
Proficient Young Dragon
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ok now that thats outta my system. it's good to see you both again.

Name: Arturius Castus
Age: 40
Race: Human

Height: 6'8"
Weight: 275lbs.
Hair: Short cropped black with a medium length beard begining to gray out.
Eyes: Dark grey, on with a vertical scar going through the left one.
Build: Very built/ muscular, think your typical spartan from ancient greece.
Clothing: http://ps2media.gamespy.com/ps2/image/a ... 136312.jpg

Defining features: Being as old as he is and with as much battle as he's seen his body is covered with scars, the most defining one being the one going through his left eye. A brand on his left forearm of an S under and unside down V. A tattoo on his left shoulder of a large brown bear.

Gladius, Shortspear, Composite shortbow, and just about anything he can get his hands on, even if that means using the opponent as a weapon. On command he can have is gladius set ablaze with fire, his spear with electricty giving it the appreance of a lightning bolt when thrown, and when the arrows from his bow strike their target they explode.

Breast plate with heavy electrical resistance and a large round steel shield with a heavy resistance to fire, a set of bracers that give him a small resistance to spells. He also has wide brown belt with little metal studs in it that greatly increases his strength.

History: Ever since he was a young boy he was told that the greatest glory in life was dying on the battlefield. All the males of his village were told this their entire lives and as such, they were all bred for battle. He has seen alot of death in his life, many friends and comrades have fallenn beside him, but many more enemies have fallen by his hand. Now he wanders the frontier looking for villages and towns that may need assistance with raiding bandits or other monsters. Recently he has answered the call from the king to assist with a great quest to destroy an ancient evil.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 11:40 pm 
Legendary Warrior
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Location: Every where and yet no where
Name: Celestial The Holy Knight

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 5'6"

Hair Color: Blond

Eye Color: Blue

Race: Angelic Dragon


Personality: Joy full and outgoing, Celestial never learned how to give up

The Breif on Celestial: Celestial's past is covered with trials and tribulations of which he barely mange to survive, let alone overcome. His brother, ShinRa, is Celestial's biggest enemy. ShinRa wants only infinite strength, invincibility, and internal youth. In order to obtain these "gifts" ShinRa must kill his parents and his brother, so far he has accomplished to kill the parents. Thus he has infinite strength and invincibility. Celestial has manged to out run and out smart his older and much stronger brother, however, a final battle is inevitable. Celestial has internal youth, which means he will not age past 25, however, he can be killed.

Weaponry:One SwordImage

Powers: Celestial has the power of flight, strength, and he can manipulate his energy (like DBZ)

Legends never die.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 12:11 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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ok I'll have a go too!

Name: Tarin
Age: 19
Race: Human

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 9stn.
Hair: medium length orange hair.
Eyes: yellow
Build: petite


Defining features: on her back are two black bat shapped wings. they are very small and stick out from just above her shoulders. they are decoration only.

personality: she is happy go lucky and always optomistic. she can however also be very stubborn. She's taken on a sisterly role over the twins, keeping an eye on them whether they appreciate it or not.

Weapons: Tarin uses magickal gloves. these gloves were given to her by her grandmother and she can enchant them to do various things. she also carries a leatherbound book of magick. this was her grandmothers also. and although it is full of spells they are hidden from her until she learns them herself. so far she has a few spells including fire and slight healing, also she can project a sheild around her but it can't sustain many blows from an attacker. She uses her gloves in conjunction with her book to cast spells. when they are being used the runes and lines glow a faint orange colour.

she wears no armour, relying on her agility to not get hurt and also support from her friends. if needed she can create the shield.

History: Tarin was one of the orginal warriors who came on this journey. as such she has seen much and grown both mentally and physically. her build fools others into thinking she is weak. she is not though, repeated use of the one offensive spell she knows, fire, has made her very strong in it.
she was from a small farming village where she was raised by her grandmother, the village witch. when her grandmother died Tarin inherited her belongings, a magick book, leather gloves and a small cauldron. soon afterwards a new mayor came into power, this man started a witch hunt as he had former bad dealings with witches and was heavily under the influence of the religious order. before this time the witches had been tolerated and welcomed, now they were chased out of town or burnt at the stake. Tarin managed to escape to the city of Beloth and set up her own small shop helping the cities citizens with their problems in saftey and tolerance. later she was conscripted to the team and the rest is history. Now she is recovering and resting with the twins.

Last edited by Fyre on Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:51 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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Count me in.

Give me a day or two to find Renee and Constis' bios. they're somewhere in my computer

"People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 12:42 am 
Proficient Young Dragon
Proficient Young Dragon

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Exx, Dragy, Fyre, and now Consti? I'm pretty much doing back flips over here. At the risk of sounding over the top, It's seriously great to see you all again.

*Whitty signature here*

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:23 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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I'm glad to see you too buhamat.

let's put our all into this one!

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:08 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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Location: Somewhere in Time
-Shoulder-length red hair
-Slightly tan skin
-Sapphire Eyes
-Average body type
-Iridesent fairie-type wings

-Dark Green Corset top
-Black jeans or floor-length skirt
-pewter chocker with opal pendent

-2 jagged daggers
-1 english sword
-1 whip

-Time lines, portals

-A little to adventerous and stubborn for her own good

-Waist-length Ebony hair
-Pale skin
-Ruby eyes
-"Top Heavy," but otherwise average body...(get your mind out of the gutter)
-Black nad Dark Red streaked dragon-like wings

-Black leather corset
-Black jeans or black mini-skirt
-Pewter chocker with bloodstone pendent

-2 katanas
-1 colt 45


-Likes to tick people off...esp. Consti

Let the fun begin :P

"People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:48 am 
Legend of Old

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Hahah one man makes an RP, and brings everyone together.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:36 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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let's not to full of yourself there

"People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 10:12 pm 
Legendary Warrior
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Well Ex. has been known to make great RP's. Not to be over exadurating but his RP's are... legendary. So when Ex. says he is going to make another one, everybody wants a piece of the action.

Legends never die.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:46 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Yeah, Ex has been (so i've heard) one of the best in the business so far, and this one doesn't seem much different.

...I feel like an out of place N00b.

Name: 'Jade' Jadrian "Light-hands"
Age: 15
Race: Human

Red-haired, green eyes, Wears a long brown cloak, and underneath, a cloth doublet and breeches, died the finest green. He's mischevious, and is bouncing off the walls constantly. His sense of humor is boundless, and it's always as close, if not closer to hand then his weapons. His hands glow at moments of danger, and if e'er you fall to enemy blades, he seems to magicaly appear by your side, then fade as your wounds knit.

Weapons; A rapier, a dirk, and a composite longbow, along with a small quiver slung across his back. The arrows in it glow, and if you look hard enough, it appears that there are far too many for that small quiver...

Armor; The Green doublet appears to have threads of silver and iron woven into it, making it a clever disguise. The cloak is similairly treated, but with hardwood fibers instead of metal. A single shinplate is attatched to his left leg, and his boots have steel attatched to the toe and heel.

Jon, Squire of Lord Ex.

Gods I love that title.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 12:02 am 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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you shouldn't feel like a noob, some of us are very, very, very selective about who we'll do rps with.

but Exx is one of the best

"People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:01 am 
Proficient Young Dragon
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hey exx when are we gonna get this thing rollin dude?

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Final Fantasy

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 9:03 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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amen Consti. it's one of the reasons I haven't participated in a long while.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:46 pm 
Legend of Old

Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2005 7:49 pm
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I will get it up and running bro after midterms... in actuality, around spring break, which is next week. I am swamped with midterms and papers right now.

*curses college.*

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:21 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2005 11:05 pm
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ah but Ex, college is a means to an end! you'll be grateful for the higher income bracket it puts you in! I recommend doing JET after though and come live in Japan!!!!

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