
Demons of Alakester
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Author:  Jenu [ Sat Oct 06, 2007 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Demons of Alakester

{{Locked up, VH42}}

Jenu, the ancient dragon of Alakester, who for the last 300 years had held the Water Power of Alakester, noticed something was wrong. She first swam the length and depth of her lake to look for any signs of a trap, most likely one laid by humans. When finding none, she flew around her lake, searching the nearby forest for any signs of trouble. Strange, she thought, it's rather cold for the sun season. Jenu looked up at the sky, and gaped in surprise at what she saw. Although the graound was lit like day, the sun was a pure black spot, and the sky around it was going from bright blue to a dark, rainy gray. Why is...why is the sun...not shining? And not giving warmth? What's going on? Jen searched desperatley fro a reason, but she didn't know where to look. Finally, when all else seemed futile, she went to the lake, to converse with the creatures there.

Author:  Jenu [ Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

OOC: :roll: I guess I'll have to go on a little longer...

IC: After several shrill notes spoken by Jenu, a couple of dolphins swam warily up to her.
"What, what do you want from us? Can't you see that our school is afraid and hiding? What is so urgent that you must reveal our fear and our secret home?" the dolphins said reproachfully
"I am sorry, my friends, but as you and your school tend to know the secrets of the world better than I, can you explain why the sun no longer shines, and why the sky grows dark, and why fear is thick in the air?" Jenu asked.
"We do not know what is causing it, exactly, but we do know that it is a great evil. For many years, the moon has spoken to us of a strong spell, that she and her brother, the sun, must work together on to keep the land of Alakester safe," the dolphins replied
"Did the moon ever say safe from what?" Jenu was more fearful now than ever.
The dolphins are obviously starting to get very fearful. "No, never. Only that if either the sun were to stop shining, or she to stop returning every night, Alakester would be in grave peril."
Jenu is eager to see what the problem is, and how she can solve it. Also, she desperately wants her dolphin friends to swim to safety as soon as possible. "Thank you, very much, my friends. You may go in peace to your school."
The dolphins start swimming away, and their voice comes drifting back through the water, "Jenu, as the Water Power of Alakester, please, save us..." the dolphins' voice gets fainter and fainter as they swim away.
Jenu nods, although the dolphins can't see her, and swims to the surface of the lake. From there, she jumps into the air, seeking more answers as to what is bringing all this fear to Alakester. She arrives into a city, and stops at a bar. The bar is called The Beast's Drink and is known to be a favorite hangout for all the creatures of Alakester, from every reach of the world. However, when Jenu steps inside, the place is completely empty, save for one, unknown creature in the corner of the room, sipping the last few drops of a strong-smelling drinking. Even the barman seems to have deserted the place, so Jenu approaches the creature with great caution....

OOC: perfect time for one of ya'll to come in...

Author:  Embermoon [ Mon Nov 19, 2007 10:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Role playing

OOC:See What is a dreamon? in the out of character disscussion for the description of a Dreamon.

IC:Embermoon, the shapechanger dreamon, silently sipped up the last bits of the healing elixer and stood. Hearing footsteps behind her,she whirled about. "who are you?" She asked, her voice trembeling from fear. She had not expected to meet someone when she was so weak. Her pursuers had hurt her badly. She was in no state to be attacked, and the elixer would not start working until another hour or so.
"Help...." she gasped as pain shot through her wound. She fell to the floor and blacked out.

Author:  alondor [ Sat Mar 01, 2008 8:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

hi i will b playing a confused fire dragon with an amnormal abilaty related to healing (he can only heal if he has no idea where the wound s came from really it is a curse)

the bar door swings open and bursting through it Alendor (sorry for name just came to me steps in and yells so cold where the heat? seeing fallen dreamon he steps forward cautiously without noticing Jenu because when some1 injured he can only see them, waiting 2 see if she rises and then begins healing the pour creature

Author:  Embermoon [ Mon Mar 03, 2008 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  (())

((This roleplay is no longer going on. Jenu has left.))

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