
Book 1: Dragons Revenge
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Author:  Falconer [ Sat Oct 21, 2006 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Book 1: Dragons Revenge

OCC: Okay, i got my comp to work, so we can start.

IC: Draconis entered the dark cavern. Hmmm, this is big enough. He blew a thin stream of fire, lighting the torches around the large chamber. It had been used before, and would be soon used again. "Is anyone else in here?" he rumbled.

Author:  wut2say [ Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

"I'm here." Maryan, fluttered from her perched on a ledge near the back of the cave. she looked up at the dragon that just entered. "Wow, you're really huge." she stretched out one of her wings and compared it. i'm so small. a compact package as a special treat.

Author:  Falconer [ Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:04 pm ]
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"Dynamite comes in small packages," Draconis commented absentmindedly as he reviewed his list of those that could come.

Author:  wut2say [ Wed Oct 25, 2006 4:41 pm ]
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"Dynamite..... i like it" Maryan went over to Draconis. "who all is supposed to be here?" she flapped her wings and settled herself back onto the ledge she had found earlier.

Author:  Falconer [ Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Draconis glanced up at the little creature in front of him. "Sashiara and Areon. Aeryn will be coming up to; the only reason we're allowing her is her feelings toward mankind." He laid down on the cool stone floor and rested his head on his paw.

OCC: is it a paw? or foot?

Author:  Jishdefish [ Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

"I hope you mean hatred." Sashiara stepped out of the darkness, keeping her head low to adjust to the light. "Why have we waited so long to meet like this? Our kind has tolerated this menace for long enough!" She looked at her ugly hands, so thin and frail. How the humans had scared her just to have a little pet of their own. Death was all they deserved, that and a hellstorm of fire.

Author:  wut2say [ Sat Oct 28, 2006 5:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Maryan looked down at the newcomer, "Wow, some heardships happened in your life huh. Where were you coming from?" She turned and looked at Draconis, "How 'bout you, where did you come from. and who are the others, i havent heard of them."

ooc: edited

Author:  Jishdefish [ Sun Oct 29, 2006 4:14 pm ]
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IC: "Yes, I was once a dragon." Before Marian could react she had sat down on a nearby rock, rememorizing the vital spots on the human body, mostly for paralisis not just instant kill.

OOC: thanks

Author:  dragonfly [ Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:27 pm ]
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OOC: do you want me to come when you leave the cave or when everyone else gets here?

Author:  Falconer [ Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:20 pm ]
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OCC: Right now, if possible, dragonfly.

Author:  dragonfly [ Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Well has the party started yet?" Aeryn lwalked into the cave and looked around at the assembled crowd. "I don't know a single one of you except you, Draconis, of course"

Author:  Falconer [ Wed Nov 01, 2006 2:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

OCC: This is really confusing, I'm not good at being the head guy.

IC: Draconis stood, pointing with his tail. "The humanoid there is Sashiara, and the small dragon here is Maryan. Sahiara, Maryan, this is Aeryn." He gestured appropriatly. "Areon the halfling will be here soon."

Author:  wut2say [ Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:12 pm ]
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Maryan hopped off her perch and slid in front of Draconis. "You mean there will be a halfling here? Whyever would a dragon choose that fate for a child? the poor thing."

ooc: did understand that right? or am i wrong. sorry i'm a bit out of it today.

Author:  Falconer [ Mon Nov 06, 2006 11:31 am ]
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OCC: Heavyman, it would be nice if you could come in. Now.

IC: "Maryan" said Draconis reproachfully, "Its not his fault. Now, if everyone could take their seats, we can begin."

Author:  wut2say [ Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:19 pm ]
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MAryan hid her head under her wing, hiding her embarassment at being repremanded and then settled her self comfortabley on her ledge so she could be near head level of the other dragons.

"Lead on oh, faithful leader." She said directing her attention to Draconis.

Author:  Falconer [ Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:06 am ]
Post subject: 

OCC: I'm going to PM heavyman, seeing as we're all waiting on him. Bye the way, the room is circular, with no table. The only opening is the entrance. Torches ring the walls. The ledge Maryan is on is the only mar on the wall's surface.

Author:  Heavyman [ Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

OOC: Sorry, guys I havnt been checking anything lately....stupid school...stupid ninth grade, but I'll make sure i'll start posting more. :OOC

IC: Areon walked down the mildewy, and damp tunnel, his eyes glowing, as he looked with multi-colored night vision. He had come fully armed, and ready to fight. He had come all the way from Greece to meet here, to meet with fellow half-kindred, for he called them half for he was only half dragon, half human. That never bothered him, he was accepted in his home, Athens. But he had to leave them, leave them to fight alongside his kin. He walked into the Torch-lit room, and his eyes shifted back to normal vision. Alright, I'm here. What's the plan? Though his French was perfect, it still had a heavy greek accent.

Author:  wut2say [ Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:57 pm ]
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ooc: are we actually speaking french in this? i was thinking that we were speaking english. my bad if we werent.

Maryan tilted her head at the slight accent in Areon's voice. She searched her mind for where it came from. OH right, Greece. She looked Areon up and down and shuttered. For once in her life she was afraid of the difference in size. I guess i will have to be careful for a while around him. he seems ready to fight at any moment. Maryan turned her head and dipped it toward Aroen in acknowledgment, "Glad you could come. Draconis said you would be around shortly. Now maybe we could start?" She looked at Draconis, "right? there's no one else is there?"

Author:  Jishdefish [ Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:41 pm ]
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"Doesn't seem like much of an offensive." Sashiara said dryly. "Two dragons, three if you count me, and a half. Let all of Europe cower before us." She said the last with sarcasm, this was not what she suspected when summoned to a council, "We really must be dying out if this is all that can be summoned in our defense."

Author:  Heavyman [ Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:27 pm ]
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He listened to the doubting dragon's words. You doubt my god given blades? The gods shall reign supreme once again! He said with much enthusiasm, pulling his shortsword from their sheathes, and demonstrating their power by having them immolate with fire. Four I think would be enough, so a Spartan would say.

Author:  Jishdefish [ Fri Nov 10, 2006 12:25 am ]
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Pig-headed fool. "Why don't you just join the humans then, you already act as foolish as one. Your swords are not going to have much affect on a score of humans, let alone an army, it would take at least a hundred of us to fend off the french and their surrounding neighbors, much more if all humanity dedicated themselves to extingushing us."

Sashiara lifted small trinket from her neck, the Pheonix Incursion, a mechanism of death. The watch shaped device gleamed micheiviously. I will destroy the humans, I swear to it. She slipped the device back into her vest, eyes gleaming. "Go on if you wish, defeat the hundreds of thousands of humans with your 'swords' I'm sure you'll get through a few before falling from inevitable exhaustion." She taunted him, a bait her daggered eyes dared him to take.

Author:  Heavyman [ Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:52 am ]
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The greeks will ocme to our aid, if we asked. He said as he sheathed his blades, no one knew of their true power, as of yet. The blades themselves could launch at a maximum of thirty feet before being retracted, easily impaling anyone at that range. He knew the Athenians atleast would come, come with a navy, and an army, though Sparta was destroyed now, the other city-states might join the cause. Greece stood for democracy did it not? What do you say? The greeks are worthy enemies, but I have lived with them all my life, They would gladly aid us.

Author:  dragonfly [ Fri Nov 10, 2006 10:47 am ]
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"how do we know they won't turn on us?" Aeryn paced around the room looking for a place to sit, and accidentally stepped on someone's tail. "Oops, sorry!"

Author:  wut2say [ Sat Nov 11, 2006 6:35 pm ]
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Maryan let out a slight giggle as Aeryn stepped on the tail. She looked at some of the others glaring at her, "Geesh, you guys dont have much of a sense of humor do you?" She turned her head to look directly at Areon, "I dont know if we could trust the Greeks. you may have sound faith in them, but i myself have had some bad meetings with those who inhabit places in that region and i dont know if i could trust someone from in there. they may trust and aid you because you are half them, but i'm nowhere close to having a connection with them, dont feel like starting one either, and it may have a different impact on them helping us." She let her eyes drift around those seated together and sighed, "I dont know if you would like to listen to an old dragon tail, but it is a legend and a lot of legends have some truth behind them. i've heard that many, many, many, years ago near the beginning of when the humans started to populate the earth, there was a way for dragons to pass through portals to other times and places.........do you think that it's true?"

Author:  Jishdefish [ Sat Nov 11, 2006 11:39 pm ]
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"Yes, it is said that all dragons actually came from across the stars, so why leave? We came to this planet, why abandon it to a group of overdeveloped monkeys?" She fingered the locket, not liking where this was going.

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