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Author:  Ersska [ Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Brothorn watched as scarecrows sprang up from nowhere.
Oh great! he thought. Now I get to embarrass myself. He looked down at his sword. He felt nothing special.
"Please work. Please!" he softly begged the sword. "Please, please. . ." He concentrated, but still nothing happened. No special feeling. No glowy light. Nothing. Brothorn grew frustrated.
Why won't you do anything?! he mentally yelled at the sword. He swung it downward and the tip hit the ground. The moment it struck, the ground trembled slightly. Brothorn looked at his sword in amazement, then looked around at the others to see if anyone had felt it, too.

Author:  Akira [ Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

feels a tremble under feet and looks around
what on earth was that
Looks at brothorns face and grins.
or did it have something to do with you she said
if it was try doing something liek it at one of the scarecrows that was cool

Author:  Ersska [ Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Brothorn saw Thorn grinning at him. He grinned back.
"Yeh, ok!" he said happily. He lined up with one of the scarecrows and hit the ground with full force. A crack form in the ground and snaked its way to the scarecrow. The ground opened slightly, just enough to swallow the scarecrow. Brothorn lifted his sword and the ground closed with a rumble. Only a barely visible crack remained as evidence of what happened. With a big grin, he looked at Thorn for approval.

Author:  Akira [ Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thorn grinned back and jumped up and down slightly clapping happily
that was brilliant she said cheerfully
really cool your really good with that sword
Walks over to brothorn and looks at the were the scarcrow was.
that is sooooo cool

Author:  Ersska [ Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Brothorn, not knowing why, was glad to hear Thorn's compliment and approval. He wa still grinning as she walked over and surveyed his handy work. He looked down at the ground also. Suddenly, he bursted into laughter.

Author:  Akira [ Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Looked at brothorn as he burst into laughter and soon found herself giggling then laughing to, why she didnt know why she was but it felt nice to be able to laugh.

Author:  Ersska [ Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Brothorn wasn't sure why it was, but he didn't care. He was happy for the first time in a long time. He laughed even harder when Thorn joined him. He liked this raven-haired girl. Something about her wouldn't allow him to be sad and secluded around her. Maybe it was just her cheerful personality.
Between throws of laughter, Brothorn extended his hand to her.
"Friends?" he asked asked as his laughter turned into chuckles.

Author:  Akira [ Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thorn calmed down a bit as brothorn did and shook his hand happily.
friends she replied cheerfully.
She was happy brothorn seemed alot happier and less tense than when she first said hello and was thrilled at how nice he was and that they were friends.
looking down and noticing she was still shaking his hand she let go and blushed.

Author:  Ersska [ Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Borthorn chuckled a little more as Thorn blushed.
"This is crazy!" he said to her, motioning to his sword. "I can't bel-. . .this is great! Who would have thought? . . .Wow. . ."

Author:  Akira [ Sat Nov 04, 2006 6:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thorn chuckled a bit still blushing.
i know its amazing who would have thought stuff like this would happen to any of us she said looking at brothorns sword then at her rapier.
its amazing

Author:  Jishdefish [ Sun Nov 05, 2006 3:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

The charm felt alien to Sayn's hand. He realized instantly the problem: He wasn't used to brandashing this item, he usually used his staff. He took the Amulet and wrapped the chain tightly around the top of his staff. Now he swung it swiftly, and a bolt of lightning arched across the enclosed air, disinigrating the hatted scarecrow. He was amazed, he meant to just send a slight current to set the hay alight, but the amulet amplified his power 4-fold. "This is truely a remarkable gift." Sayn said this with concealed awe to the priestess. "How were these weapons made?" He didn't really expect an answer.[/i]

Author:  Corva [ Sun Nov 05, 2006 4:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Elildail felt the slight energy drain. She tested the staff out further and watched people destroy their scarecrows in slow motion. She could stop, slow, speed up and even reverse time. This is going to be useful she said. Maybe not in attack but certainly in giving everyone an edge in combat.

Author:  Pandora [ Mon Nov 06, 2006 1:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

The preistess claped her hands excitedly. Hee,hee! you've all got it down pat so far! Keep it up! Be creative and expirament. She cheered just like a cheeleader rooting them on. It wouldn't be long before they'd all started to master their weapon's abilaty. Then she looked over at Sayn and winked, in answer to his question.Someday you'll know.

Author:  Akira [ Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thorn looked around at the priestess and giggled and turned back around to brothorn.
shes quite funny she said giggling
i wonder whats gonna happen next she then said curiously

Author:  Ersska [ Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Brothorn gestured toward the priestess.
"You ask her," he told Thorn.

Author:  Akira [ Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thorn smiled at brothorn warmly then turned to the priestess.
excuse she called over to the priestess.
could you please tell us whats gonna happen after this.

Author:  Pandora [ Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

After everyone has learned how to use their new abilities we'll srart our task by going to the village they suspect one of Mthysis's stupid lackies to be hanging out in, and follow them. Ugh, anyone who follows Mythisis deserves the horrible fate he plans for them, but because he's rolaty we are only to follow him to Mythisis, insted of just getting it over with and interagated him. Ashtala told them wrinkling her nose in discuste.

Author:  Akira [ Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

ok then she said cheerfully and turned back around to brothorn.
well thats what were doing next then she said to him happily smiling warmly.

Author:  Ersska [ Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Brothorn thought it somewhat funny as the priestess lost her cool composer as she ranted about Mythisis.
"Ok, great. Can't wait," Brothorn replied somewhat sarcastically.

Author:  dragonfly [ Mon Nov 06, 2006 5:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Psyche slipped the ring on her index finger and pointed at a scarecrow.
Explode she thought and suddenly the scarecrow rose in the air and exploded in a shower of cloth and straw. "Wow that's cool. I could get used to this!"
She turned around. "Hey, guy with the freaky fire hair, you never told me your name."

Author:  Kojack [ Mon Nov 06, 2006 6:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

After a long period of training in the sphere of water that Kaviatin created, be burst out of it with a big grin on his face.

So when are we going after this lackey again?

Author:  Jishdefish [ Mon Nov 06, 2006 8:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

"I thought that might be the case." He said simply, turning back to the wall. Sayn wanted to try out his power further. He fired a few arrows deep into the wall, knowing he could not retrieve them by hand. Pulling out a few stones, he arranged them in a tripod formation on his bare balm.

The stones started to rotate, slowly at first, as he held the end of his staff over them. This trick would have usually cost him a few hours of conciousness out of strain, but now he could proform it with ease. They rotated faster and faster, creating a magnetic field around them. He used his newfound power to flux it, focusing on the metal objects infront of him, namely the arrowheads.

They shuddered then popped out of the wall, sailing towards him as if the very wall had shot them. Quickly he stopped the magnesium stones from their rotations. The arrows embeded themselves just centimeters from his feet; The next time he would have to exercise more caution. Suddenly he felt tired, though not very. Smiling, he put the stones away, turning back to the assembled group. "This village," He said. "What world is it from? An inbetween world, or one of our own?"

Author:  Corva [ Tue Nov 07, 2006 9:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Elildail decided to try an experiment. She noticed someone explode a scarecrow and reversed time. The scarecrow flew back together again. What's you name she asked someone who was rotating some stones on his palm.

Author:  dragonfly [ Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

ooc: when we ask ppl their names, it usually means we want them to post (hint hint)

ic: "ok, since people are determined to ignore one another (except for those two lovebirds over there), how about we hear what we should expect when we battle Mythisis."

Author:  Pandora [ Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

ooc:If this keeps up we'll have to do a sound off, and whoever doesn't show for it get's left behind. does that sound reasonable to everyone?

Ic:Ashtala fluffed her hair and looked to the left of them. Then looked back at the group and pointed in the direction she'd looked. The village is in that direction. I thought it would be nice if we walked there so we could get to know one another better. As for Mythisis, well, I can personaly tell you he's not going to be happy to see us, and of he lets us get to him he'll proubly just stare us down until we die. Much less let us attack. Ahstala said in all seriousness.

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