
Black Magic:Volcan's Revenge:OOC
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Author:  DragonScript101 [ Tue Aug 01, 2006 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Black Magic:Volcan's Revenge:OOC

Hey, before you read the plot of the rp I just want you to know this is my first RPG, so if it's really cruddy, you were warned.

The Plot: Volcan wakes up to find that his magic amulate is missing.Filled with fury he sets out to hunt and kill the one who has taken his only chance of going back in time to save his sister from dying a horribly painful death.But little did he know that the theif was his own long lost step brother witch he spent half his life lookng for.Is Volcan willing to kill his own flesh and blood, or will he give up on his sister and live with the only remaining family member other than his sister?You'll just have to wait and see!

Name: Volcan

Weapon of Choice: Two laser pistols he always carries with him, or dragon form.

Class: Tranforming dragon who's second form is that of a human

Skills: Achlemy, Sorcery, and an amazing ability so solve all sorts of puzzles and challenges

History:Was taken away from birthplace due to a spreading disease witch undetectedly infected his sister and over time slowly attacked all her vital organs.

Needed characters listed on post below

Author:  DragonScript101 [ Tue Aug 01, 2006 4:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

I need a these characters,


Two humans/dragons (one male, one female)



A teenage boy

A friendly ghost

Three bandits


Multiple dragons(about 10)

And a dark knight

So just reply if you'd like to join ^.^

Author:  Mia [ Wed Aug 02, 2006 11:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

This rp has alot of potential...but first it need some improvement...Take a look at some of the other rp ooc's in this section such as mine or talus's. Take an example from them and change up the rp alittle...you can make this work but youll need help in fact if you would like you could close this ooc and start one on my site where we can talk it over with other people who have experience with good rping. Though its just a suggestion my site also just started and is sorta small so there is another reason behind me offering it if you would like to join pm me and ask for the address i will gladly give it! we also have a chat room on my site which will make it much easier to disscuss idea's then just regular posting. So yea... :D

Author:  DragonScript101 [ Thu Aug 03, 2006 12:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks a lot for the advice and I'd love to join I guess I should do some rping before I make my own!

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