
Schools Daze
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Author:  Ciarda [ Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Schools Daze

Alright folks, here's the deal. I realized that a few of you wanted to join my rp, and simply put, I cannot fit any more people in it. I'm swamped, stumped, bewildered and bamboozled on how to fit any more.

So, to make amends, I had a pretty awesome idea. I'm going to start a thread that will run similar to Ex's Tavern- no plot, no storyline, just hanging out and interacting, etc. BUT, call it the teacher in me, I am making it a school-based thread. What does this entail, you ask? Quite simple.

1.) pick a character you're comfortable rping with as a teenager. If they're older, then think back to their... formative years, lol.
2.) Mke it a character that you don't mind rping with for a while, because, quite simply, I don't want like, fifty characters for every one person in this thread.
3.) Interact in the school environment and have fun^__^

The brunt of this will probably be in either the cafeteria, the detention hall, or a variety of classrooms. If you post in a classroom, do us all a favor and tell us which class, maybe the teacher's name, etc. I'll try to get on as often as I can and move it along from period to period. LOL, this should be interesting.

Who's up for it? I'll be posting the first post tonight.

Author:  Drakel [ Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze

errr... (I know this is going to sound very stupid of me but I don't like joining not knowing these things) What type of setting is this RP taking placed? Actual Reality school? school in future? FANTICY school(like in HP)? SH school (Super hero)? A friend of mine made an RP like this but I got confused by lack of detail and thought it was a normal school but it turned out to be a fantasy school soo.... What time like setting is this in? All I know is that it is a school but

Author:  alondor [ Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze

i agree with you drakel, are we allowed to have characters with wings and such or do we have to have humans.

Author:  Ciarda [ Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze

Fantasy works. Characters can have wings, etc, as it is considered normal to see any number of creatures in this world. So yeah. Its cool, long as they're teens, long as they're not uber-powerful godmodded.

The school itself is a modern-day school, not really high tech, modern technology, if you want to bring in other technology, feel free. The school itself is housed within the ruins of an old monastery that was updated and turned into livable quarters. It is a prep school currently, allowing students to board or if they live near enough to make their way there on their own daily.

Author:  Drakel [ Thu Feb 04, 2010 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze

so kind of like HP (harry potter)world like school?

Ok last question

Are we aloud to make up classes (and their teachers) or is this going to be 100% real school based(as in real classes)?

O_O that is actually the last question I have right now lol.

I will PM you my char later to see if it is aloud.

Author:  Ciarda [ Thu Feb 04, 2010 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze

ok, seriously, no need to pm characters ,etc. This will be run like the Tavern. Enter, say hi, and go about your business.

As far as classes... reasonable classes. I'd like to keep this as realistic as possible.

Author:  Forgotten Dragon's Ire [ Thu Feb 04, 2010 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze

Yeah if anything just post your character here so you can put in a description of your char so people knows what he/she looks like

BTW i do plan on joining just thinking of char

Author:  alondor [ Thu Feb 04, 2010 11:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze

Sounds perfect for the alondor i have been developing for my book

Name alondor
Age 16
Species Draffin (mix of dragon and griffin)
Description Ok really he is just a human with wings so that is the body structure even if it is not a true draffin yet He has blonde shoulder length hair and gren eyes. His wings are like a birds but have the leathery feel of a bat or dragon. He stands at six foot five and weighs 160 pounds. that is all i got so tell me when you post the thing

Author:  Forgotten Dragon's Ire [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 8:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze

I'm going to use the son of Luthvien his name will be Tryzzen (think italian pronunciation for zz makes a tz sound so name would sound like Trit-zen)

His feature are much like his fathers
He has Silver scaled wings a tail and silver eyes tinged with violet on the edges his arm spikes haven't quite finished growing in yet so they are only 2-3 inches long instead of his fathers 6 inches
His hair is completely silver
he is taller than his father and never stops to tease him about it 6" 1'
has a loving family though i won't talk about the mother until i can come up with one

Author:  Drakel [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze

(Sigh) ok well here goes nothing.

Name: Anderhell

Race: half magi Elf, half Dark elf

height/weight: 6,6 / 135

appearance: all his shirts have either no left sleeve or a hole on the left shoulder. His eye color is just like Azrivel's, His hair is black. The Arm is mainy covered with some sort of cloth material due to peaple hating him for having a "demon arm". his tanish skin is also a small bit of pail blue in it for being a Dark elf.

Description: He was once a normal teen until he met Azrivel. Azrivel gave him a ring for free and willingly he put the right on, not knowing it was a titan's ring of time. His parents seen the new arm and thought he was now a demon, they abandoned him to die and no one took care of him but himself. His weapons on his arm is uncontrollable because of his age. He actually had no other choice but to go to the school to learn. He spends his time in the library most of the time reading up on what he truly is.

His arm: All arms a 2,3 elbow blade, unlike all other arms his does not have a ranged weapon but instead a shield. Last weapon is on the palm of his wrist, it is a blade handle that creates a long sword that could send the blade from the top of the handle to the bottom instantly and back up again any time he chooses.

Author:  raptor [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze

Name: Isbel


Isbel heard of her sister adventures on the surface during her banishment and came to this school to have a few of her own now that her sister is queen of Mu.

Author:  Ciarda [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze

Ok, a bit about Cara and Mia:

Hair: Black, long, straight, bangs that go across her forehead (think Ultraviolet)
Eyes: Violet
Complexion: fair skinned
Height: 5'10"
weight: 150 lbs
Defining marks: a set of bracelets at the ends of her wrists. Mia has them as well. They are actually intravenous mechanisms that, instead of allowing for the introduction of substances, allows for the escape of the twins' energy- which they have been trained to manipulate and control. The mechanism itself keeps it from leaking out of them, essentially, and gives them a siphoning point of sorts for it- their bodies create so much that it has to be expelled at some point during the day. Consider it a very high metabolism disorder.
Personality: Cara is the more outgoing of the two girls. She is the one that does not give a damn about anything, but is fascinated and border-line obsessed with anything tech. She can take it apart, put it back together, and probably improve it as she goes. However, she has a bit of a temper and has no issues with bloodying a nose if it gets the adversary out of way- or getting them to shut up. This has, of course, landed her in a few fights, which Mia of course gets dragged into.

Mia looks just her, but has blue eyes. Her personality is much less laid back. She is the artsy one, the one who keeps her grades up, and the one who is tactically the better mind. While Cara is extremely intelligent when it comes to analytical thinking in terms of machines, etc, Mia is the tactical and book-minded one between them. Cara, if disinterested, will not apply herself. Mia will.

Their parentage is odd, at best. Their mother is a survivor of experimentation that she suffered during a raging civil war on their home planet (one that is still going on, hence why the girls have been sent to earth). Their father is a dragyn of some renown, though oddly, neither of the girls inherited any dragyn-like abilities or appearances. In fact, they look a lot like their father's human form, but other than that, inherited nothing from him, lol

Author:  raptor [ Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze

My last post has been edited.

Author:  Ciarda [ Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze

OOOkaaay... So... Couple things we need to work out here guys.

1.) I suggest we all post schedules of sorts for our characters' classes so that they're not just wandering the halls randomly or popping into different classes on a daily basis.
2.) For the love of God, give people a chance to respond to your posts. I have seen almost everyone do it thus far. You don't get a response, because the person you;re addressing is away from the computer. Remember, we all have lives. Nine times out of ten, if I'm not on the comp, I am either playing with my goddaughter or at work. I can't tell you how frustrating it is to see a "Hey Cara, sup?" post then like, two posts later, because I was at work, and nowhere near a computer, that character just walks away. Not a very fair way to conduct things, really when you get down to it.

Author:  Forgotten Dragon's Ire [ Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze

Yeah i get the same kind of thing happen to Luthvien and Trizzen

Please guys slow down the pace and allow for people to respond and a schedule would be nice as well

Author:  Drakel [ Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze

Well I definitely slowed down today :lol: here my char schedule,

1) Potions 6:00-6:30
2) Blade Combat 7:00-7:30
3) Dragonology 8:00- 9:25
4) lunch10:00- 11:30
5) CT(combat tactics) with everyone 11:30-12:00
6) Arcane magic & Time 12:30-1:00
7) Rituals 1:30-3:00
8) Healing 3:30-4:30
9)Enchanting 5:00-6:00
10)(sometimes) Extra practice 9:00-11:30

Author:  alondor [ Sat Feb 13, 2010 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze

drakel i am sorry to inform you of this but combat tactics was after lunch and yeah slowing down would be good, especially on week days.

Here is my schedule

chem in magic
wind elemental
fire elemental
flying prosicion
blacksmithing and enchanting

that is what i remember if i switched on sorry but i remember combat being after lunch and wind righ before if i need another class tell me ok?

Author:  Drakel [ Sat Feb 13, 2010 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze

looks right, I also I edit my last post (thanks for reminding me Alondor [DAM that is such a fun name to say, am I saying it right Alondor? {al-lon- door}])

Should I also add anger management Ciarda? lol
I just want an opinion does my char looks like he needs anger management due to the fact that hate turns him into an uncontrollable Demon like being? Plz be honest lol.

Author:  Forgotten Dragon's Ire [ Sat Feb 13, 2010 11:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze

1 Advanced Magics of Music (This isn't the one that you were in Draca that one is at the end of school)
2 Dragonology
3 The Art of Shapeshifting (From lack of posts i had none for this period so i made one up)
4 Lunch
5 Combat
6 The Study Of Mundane and Magical Creatures (Decided to create one for lore)
7 Flying Precision (I'll Join you Alondor cause i had no class already decided and Trizzen has wings)
8 Healing
9 Music

And if you want my opinion whether or not Anger Management should be added... Yes

Author:  alondor [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze

awesome scedule and i am sure the teacher will be happy to see you. by the way the next class will be an air battle so you should have fun

Author:  Forgotten Dragon's Ire [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze


Author:  Drakel [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 2:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze

ok here is my newest schedule, You guys will see the humor in it lol,

1) Anger management 4:00-5:00
2) SLEEP 5:00-5:45
3) Potions 6:00-6:30
4) Blade Combat 7:00-7:30
5) Dragonology 8:00- 9:25
6) lunch (and sleep)10:00- 11:30
7) CT(combat tactics) with everyone 11:30-12:00
8) Arcane magic, Time & sleep 12:30-1:00
9) Rituals (and sometimes sleep)1:30-3:00
10) Healing 3:30-4:30
11) Enchanting 5:00-6:00
12) (sometimes) Extra practice 9:00-11:30

Author:  raptor [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze



Third: Spells and portions (lest favortive)

Fourth: Lunch

Fifth: Combat

Sixth: More advance combat class (use to be free period, but it's part of her punishment.) with dragons only.

Seveth:Music with Trizzen

Extra pratice afterschool with that loon Miss Carson.

Author:  alondor [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze

drakel try to keep with everyo one else becauserightnow your scedule is over crouded i recomend you stick withthe previous one because it is closest to the style everyone else is using

Author:  Drakel [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 2:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Schools Daze

yah.... I actually must agree with you on that one. Anger management should be done at home and Extra practice we'll just say he does at the end.

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