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 Post subject: Survival of the Fittest (temporary title)
PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 8:52 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2005 10:04 am
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Location: The South
(Collaborating with Heavyman on this, good to be back at least temporarily)

In an abandoned ruin you come upon what appears to be a small computer disk, mangled seemingly beyond belief. As you pick it up to inspect it a small flash erupts from the mechanism and a glowing figure appears hovering above the surface. His expression is pleading as he begins to speak.

"I have very little time, but it is imperative that someone find the record of these events and get help to us. Long ago we fought our petty wars with one another and in passing years became obsessed with unquestionably, inequivically defeating one another. Of course there were those of us who took advantage of the ambition of world leaders and in our greed we created weapons for them en mass. Finally, one of us stumbled upon the perfect weapon and indeed, the perfect soldier. The secret lay in gene splicing, specifically those of human and the creatures that we share the Earth with. We commenced a large program, plucking people from the streets (people we thought would not be missed), splicing them with the most vicious and cunning animals we could think of. In addition to the physical changes that we put them through, we also added cybernetic enhancements to them and hormones to increase their intelligence, tactical thinking and learning ability. After a few minutes of fighting an enemy their cybernetic brains would be able to nearly predict their moves, math them and out maneuver them. I saw the danger, however, in creating such beings and as we began to breed them and spread their use, I felt that they posed a potential threat and so I created a force to keep them in line. Using the same cybernetic technology that was used to create the Animalians, as I deemed them, with the help of my assistants I created an elite corps of beings that I deemed the SERAPHIM, the four heads of which were called the Archangels. I created them to act as our guardians, giving them many of the same abilities as the Animalians, and furthermore connecting their minds to the computer housed in the Mayran Delta- the equivilant of the old United Nations. From anywhere they could access world situations, etc. But of course, the nations of the world sought them only for their usefulness against one another and recently they left and went into hiding. But now the Animalians have become more aggressive and we are in need of help. They have completely separated from us and have openly declared war. In addition, they have declared us the 'past race' and thus inferior and have begin attacking our cities, bases, and very culture. Thus far we have received word that the Drago Empire that they are on their way to help, as we are quickly losing ground. At the rate we're going, however, it will not be long before the human race is extinct. It is imperative that the SERAPHIM be located and informed of our situation. I know that in their wisdom they will come to our aid. you can find them in-"

The transmission grows shaky and a loud noise is heard in the background, followed by a feral roar. The figure turns in fear and disappears as another pounces on him, and a grinning, cheetah-like face appears in the field of vision before the transmission abruptly cuts off.

This is the situation on Earth at this time, The Drago Empire is very close, but will they be able to turn th tide of the war? With the power that the Animalians wield it may still not be enough, and so it is imperative to find the SERAPHIM.

You can be human or Animalian, the creator of the Drago Empire has requested that he only control them. And so, let us begin! There are only a few rules and those are:

1.) Only control your character, unless you have permission of the rper to control theirs in your post.
2.) Post at least twice a week- I too, will be following this^^
3.) FOLLOW THE LEAD OF THE RP CREATOR IN PLOT- i.e. no subplots, etc without the approval of the RP creator and follow their general direction.
4.) Have fun!

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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 Post subject: Character Bio: Michelle
PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 9:51 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2005 10:04 am
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Location: The South
Name: Michelle
Race/Alignment: SERAPHIM, working w/ the humans
Age: unknown, appears to be in her late 20s or early 30s
Hair: Long, red, usually loose (goes to the small of her back)
Eyes: Electric Blue- you can almost see the tiny cybernetic movements within her right eye (totally mechanized)
Build: Lithe, leanly muscled
Height: 5'11"
Weight: ???
Defining Marks: Metal bracelet-like circlets around her wrists that connect directly inside her veins, a cybernetic, robotic hand, and cybernetic, mechanized wings.
Typical clothing: Rugged leather pants, thigh-high black boots, white button-down sleeveless shirt, light metal shoulder pads/armor, and bracers and gauntlets.

Pref. Weapons: Energy bursts controlled by the mechanical fixtures at the ends of her arms. Also very capable with a katana.
Style: She is very aggressive in battle and while she has a very advanced tactical mind, she can sometimes rush in before properly analyzing the situation properly. She would rather take the enemy head-on and take damage than sit by idle. Though when not in battle she can be very patient and cunning.

Personality: Michelle is a very confident female, though at times she has been known to be brash and even reckless. However, she is the head of the Archangels for a reason. While she is brash at times, and a voracious fighter, she also is one to take charge, lead and take responsibility. She always looks out for what is best for her men... er... women and for the greater good. Much like a Paladin, she will do whatever it takes to gain the upper hand for the right side. Hence her return to civilization. The actions of the humans, in her eyes, were wrong, but the wrong done by their enemies far outweighs that, and is an injustice that must be corrected. It is her duty to stand by them. Think of her as a female Marine almost.

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2007 11:44 am 
Cererean Princess
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Sounds good.

Formerly DragonRider. Almost teenage me could have been more imaginative with names.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 1:00 pm 
Name: Takara(or just Kara)
Race/alignment: Animalian, 'reprogrammed' by humans for Humans
Age: 28
Hair: Jet black, tied in a bun.
Eyes: Eerie green, almost yellow, slitted.
Build: Slight
Height: 6' 2''
Weight: (Not happenin'!)
Animalian attributes: Fox-like ears, fur, tail, and claw(left). Increased senses (especially smell) when not dampened by cybernetics. Sly and mainly 'created' for espionage.

Cybernetic attributes: Armored human arm(so scientists could start from the basic genetics if she were to reject her animal 'upgrades,') with a bracer for defense, and a shuriken launcher underneath. A back-brace as well, a repair job after being paralyzed by a group of humans, has a remote control as well as a manual switch to control how much feeling and movement she has, can slow breathing to knock her out if need be. (remote held by humans, without her knowledge.)

Attire: Varying, but usually camouflage like the rest of her human battalion, with her ears and tail hidden in a beret and camouflage pants respectively, as well as a shawl around her neck and gloves on her claws.

Weapons: Shuriken for long distance, and her claws(one metal, one flesh) for hand to hand.

Personality: Sarcastic, cunning, but slightly confused by her current situation, so the humans know to avoid that topic, for she is a valuable ally. At best she is stable unless confronted by evidence of her past, in which she may be unhinged(at your disclosure dragyness, of course.)

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 2:47 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:10 pm
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Name: Alric Jolornos
Age: 400
Race: Half Dragon, Half Human
Gender: Male
Allegiance: Drago Empire
Role: Arch Paladin, Frontline Warrior.
Height: 6'3''
Weight: 230 lbs
Tail Length: 5'5''
Wingspan: 12 feet.

Appearance: Having a muzzle, digitigrade legs, clawed fingers and thumbs, three toes on each feet, large toes, which all have claws. Teeth stick out of his mouth, and his eyes are red, with slit pupils. For ears, he has frills that can turn a bit, close, and open when needed to gather more noise, or shut it out, and works quite efficiently. His scales are a golden color, full of luster, though this creature is rarely seen without his armor on.

Clothing: A cloth tunic, which has many leather buckles in the back of it to fit on around his wings, and pants that has a strap in the back to fit around his tail. Over his armor, that he wears is a Blue, gold embroidered, tabard, with a gold stitched hammer on the chest part.

Armor: He is commonly seen wearing his Redish-black armor, that fits his body perfectly, down to the last scale. It enhances his strength many times over, which is quite strong first of all. There are two, blue glowing eye slits in the helmet, that looks might hinder his vision, but inside the HUD lets him see normally. At the end of the tail part are spikes, able to use as a weapon. Using magical essences, he can use even his wings to fly in space. This armor lets him walk, or traverse any type of hostile environ.

Weapon: Has a 6 foot long spear, with two pronged blades at the top, angling out, then forward, with a long middle one, encased by the middle one is an orb, that had chosen him when he was but a hatchling, and this orb is indestructible, it provides him with his magical abillities. The spear itself is made of a very hard metal, and has spiraling hand grips, one nearer to the top, the middle, and the bottom. There is then a pointed counter-weight at the bottom, the hand grips, and counter weight are the color of gold, while the rest of the spear is blue, with the edges of the blades the color of silver. It is a graceful, and deadly weapon.

Magical Orb Type: Twilight Orb, these orbs are very rare, and the chosen to use them even more so. It is the type of orb, that combines both Light, and Darkness magic, this automatically gave him the title of arch paladin when he was a hatchling. For if Light and Darkness orbs make a person a paladin, then Twilight Orbs make them Arch Paladins.

History: Born on the planet, Duriko, the homeworld of the three races of the Drago Empire, the Humans, and Dragons being the originals, their Half Dragons being their offspring, to solve their petty wars and differences. This Alliance between the two has made the race, now considered one from all the mingling of genes, even though there are still pure dragons and humans, neither is racist toward eachother, but Half Dragons are the most dominant. Duriko is a lush world, made lush by the magic of the people, the orbs are created from within the planet, by the entity known as The Creator, their friend, but not their god. For the creator gifted them with magic, not life, and never wanted to be a god. The Entity is a being of Energy, pure magical energy, many mages have gone to visit it, and came back much more powerful than before, though mages only now go if they are chosen, and one hasn't been chosen in a very long time.

Alric though, was destined to become great, by being gifted with the Twilight Orb, only three other half dragons had it, and one dragon. The Creator seemed to favor the Half Dragons over the other two. The three races as a whole are called the Drakan.

Alric has visited many hundreds of worlds under their control, this Benevolent race is the type to help those in need, even when it itself is in peril. The reason for sending such a meager fleet, of twenty ships to aid the Humans on Earth, is because of another war, that the Drago Empire is fighting at it's own borders at the moment of the present time, though it probably will turn out for the good of the Empire in the long run, for it'll yield a new race into the Empire when they win.

And So, the main force of infantry in this fleet, are the four Half Dragon Arch Paladins, ten Shield Guardian Constructs, one Dragon, twenty Paladins, and one thousand five hundred human and half dragon knights, which is the primary ground force of the fleet.

The Crew onboard the ships will not be on the ground, so it will not matter about how many there are.

Alric's life so far: Having been in many a war, battle, and skirmish, he is a well known warrior for his people, but he lives a full life between wars, having a family of his own back on Duriko, married to a half dragon, and having three children, all of which are with him now. He lived an easy, yet hard life since he was a child, trained to use his primary weapon to deadly efficiency, and learning to use his magical orb, and his magical energies with the same amount of skill. Though he might seem like a merciless killing machine on the battlefield, back home he is considered a hero, obtaining more than five thousand kills, over four hundred years, which is normal for an Arch Paladin, his age. His human age equivelent, is around twenty and a half years of age.

More about the Dragon Empire: This is a magic-based species, all their technology is based off the stuff of magic, The three races all have the same lifespans, humans have it because of genetic engineering many millenia ago. Living for so long doesn't have bordedom, like one would think, there's always something new. They have a medieval mindedness to many things, yet with an open mind of sorts.

Alliance with the humans of Earth: After have fought the first war with the Animalians, they needed help to rebuild, and so they got it, along with an alliance, that didn't bring Earth into the alliance, but instead gave eachother the rights to trade, and have the Drakan immigrate to Earth, to help repopulate it, so along with the soldiers onboard these ships are civillians, as Earth people call them. There are two dragons, full ones coming to earth, along with the majority being half Dragons and humans. They are also going to bring magic-based weapons, that are enchanted to the humans, and help put down further revolts of Animalians, for the Animalians are, like Golems to the Drakans, Constructs, and constructs are not to disobey their creators, but then they see another full scale war raging when they arrive to the planet.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 11:55 am 
Proficient Young Dragon
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Name: Robert Alexander
Race/Alignment: Human, and yes you guessed it, Humans
Age: Looks to be in his late 30s to early 40s
Hair: Long, black with the graying of age showing, always in a ponytail, a gotee that goes down to about the middle of his chest with many metal clasps and rings braided in.
Eyes: Brown, though the right one is a slight shade darker
Build: Trim, not cut or ripped or anything like that, looks like someone who takes really good care of himself.
Height: 5'6"
Wieght: 145lbs.
Defining Marks: Heavy worry lines on his forehead, but heavier laugh lines at the corners of his eyes, other than that nothing.
Typical Clothing: Denim blue jeans, loose around the ankles, black leather motorcycle boots, black t-shirt, leather motorcycle jacket with orange-white stripes from the shoulders to the wrists, black basball cap and cokebottle rimmed eyeglasses

Pref. Weapons: M1911A1 .45 pistol most commonly used and with different types of ammo, old sawed-off 12 gauge shotgun pump action with 12 round capacity. Other various assorted items that I'm going to run past you Draggy.
Style: Prefers to keep his opponents distanced from himself, but when on occasion he runs out of ammo he isn't afraid to get dirty. Always analyses a situation before charging in.

Personality: Very confident it all the he does and alwys thinks things through to determine if it's worth expending the energy. Often been told that he has a very cynical since of humor but he always tries to find the humor in someting.

History: All through his childhood everyone told him he was smart, but they never realized how smart. By the time he was 15 he had graduated from college with his doctorate in Advancded Bio-Mechanical Engineering, and Cybernetics. For several years he led the world in developing new technology for use in artificial organs, arms, legs, etc. to help people who had either lost them, or where failing. By the time he was 23 he had several government grants and had developed technology that couldn't be produced for several, even hundreds of more years. So after he had accumulated enough wealth from his years of government work and years of investing, he dissappeared. He currently resides in Richmond under the name Steven LockHart and owns and operates his own automotive repair center, Stephens Brothers Auto and Welding. He still continues his research in his freetime in a lab he has built else where in town.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy

Last edited by switchblade on Sun Sep 16, 2007 5:59 am, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 6:07 pm 
Dragonfish Warrior
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Location: In a sunken Nuclear Submarine using the satellite commlink to talk to my fellow dragon belivers.....
I'm sorry about my character, I don't know if you noticed or not, but I was being a bit smart-alecky by purposly setting up my character as an unstable and possibly uncontrollable one, so I'm editing it to be on the Animalian side, instead of being a party pooper.

Name: Takara(or just Kara)
Race/alignment: Animalian
Age: 28
Hair: Jet black, tied in a bun.
Eyes: Eerie green, almost yellow, slitted.
Build: Slight
Height: 6' 2''
Weight: (Not happenin'!)
Animalian attributes: Fox-like ears, fur, tail, and claw(left). Increased senses (especially smell) when not dampened by cybernetics. Sly and mainly 'created' for espionage.

Cybernetic attributes: Armored human arm(so scientists could start from the basic genetics if she were to reject her animal 'upgrades,') with a bracer for defense, and a shuriken launcher underneath. A back-brace as well, a repair job after being paralyzed by a group of humans, has a manual switch on the back of her neck to control how much feeling and movement she has (used to fake injuries or ignore them when they are in the way), she can also slow her breathing to knock herself out if need be.

Attire: Varying, but usually camouflage since her days disguised as an agent for the animalians in a human battalian, with her ears and tail hidden in a beret and camouflage pants respectively, though she makes no effort to hide her claws, except with a bracer on her mechanically coated arm with a shuriken launcher hidden underneath it.

Weapons: Shuriken for long distance, and her claws(one metal, one flesh) for hand to hand.

Personality: Sarcastic, cunning, but slightly out of touch, zoning out when thinking to herself.

Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 6:49 pm 
Knowledgable Viking
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Here I will give this a shot. Tell me if you dislike anything about my character please. Not entirely sure my clothes are good for the time I am picking up this RP is set in but just tell me and adjustments will be made.

Name: Roolakan (or simply Rool)
Race: Human
Age: 17
Hair: Long and blonde/brown. Thick beard with a reddish hue to it.
Eyes: Blue with a slight mixture of green.
Build: That of a young man toughened by a youth spent on the farm and since 14 been a warrior.
Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 264 lbs.

Clothings: Black t-shirt with a skull wearing a leprachauns hat, blue jeans, fur vest with a piece of a boars skull sewn over the heart, leather vambraces, high topped steel toe hiking boots.

Weapons:Boar Spear and a hatchet he uses for throwing as well as an old six shot revolver.

Attributes: Easily angered and when entering melee combat is driven into what he calls a "battle rage" which in fact isnt a rage at all but seems to him more like dancing a complicated dance. Tends to feel when something is moving towards him but besides that has nothing over the human skill range.

*sighs* I guess if you also want I can change weapons just tell me.

There is no greater honor than dieing in glorious combat with a superior opponent. *Thrust... thrust.... parry....sweep.....THRUST!! Good.* Ah the joy of a Boar Spear.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 5:19 pm 
Cyberspace Addict
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Location: In The Sink? Drowning? In Beer? Of Course...
Name: Entross Ralen
Race: Augmented Human
Alignment: Hmmmm...Humans
Age: ??

Appearance: Three thin metal horns curve over the top of his head, extending down his back. Where his eyes should be there is only skin with metal pin prick size studs level with his nose. The rest of his head is fairly average. his left ear has a 2cm brass stud in it. He is 5' 10'' tall. His build is leaning slightly toward brute force rather than acrobatics though he can move relativly quick if he needs to. his fingernails are long and his hair almost reaching his shoulders is lank and unkempt.

Attire: Hiking boots with gold studs on the tounges. Blue-Grey trousers that flare slightly at the end, engulfing his boots except the toes and reach the floor by the heels. Very dark red shirt, short sleeves. A tattoo of a dragon with two heads circles his right arm. Around his neck he wears a necklace of thre pure silver beads and a single copper ring.

Weaponry: Carries two long puching knives and a tranquilizer pistol.

Other Items: lock-picks.

Style: Prefers to incapacite an enemy and use them rather than kill but has more than sufficient experience should it be neccessary.

Abilities: Can 'see' without eyes thanks to a complicated combination of echolocation and heat sensing etc. His strength is slightly above average but not superhuman. The same goes for his agility. Intelligence and dexterity slightly lower than average but can manipulate lock picks well enough.

History: Created an unknown amount of time ago by the humans as a 'Grow-a-weapon' sort of drive. he was an outcast as his intelligence and dexterity were lower than wanted. However he was initially employed as a freelance mercanary, before going into theivery (hence lock picking skills) in this 'industry' he gained much experience and eventually the Humans recognised his skill. His unique way of seeing the environment was never really perfected in any of the others of his kind and so he has been often employed as a scout in recconaissance missions or as a watchman in stealth missions.

Personality: Amiable and generally good humoured. He suffers violent mood swings when anxious, worried etc. When needed can keep a 'poker-face' and not reveal anything (a throwback from his espionage days)

Is this OK? if there's a problem with the whole 'augmented human' thing then I will edit it.

"Flying, far across the highlands, searching for a way to finalize my history.
Rising, high above the mountains, reaching for the sky, closer to my Sanctuary" ~ Kamelot - Across the Highlands

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 7:06 pm 
Dragonfish Warrior
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I'm not going to comment. I'll leave the killing to Dragyness. :wink:

Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 7:37 pm 
The Broken One
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wanna join but i'm not sure i entirely get it. sorry, but i am a little slow on the uptake.
what the heck is an animalian? i'm guessing a mix of human and... whatever animal you want?

not turkey! no say gobble gobble...
i'm not evil...i just pull a lot of pranks that happen to be felonys

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 Post subject: Wow
PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 11:34 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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Wow guys, I really have to say that you have all come through in a surprsing way. I kept looking at this topic and seeing no one joining and to be honest was VERY close to just pulling it down and quitting the site altogether, actually. So thank you guys, really.

Now, as to your characters, I have looked them over and they seem to be alright, in all honesty. I think they will each lend something unique and intersting to this rp. I WOULD ASK YOU TO REMEMBER THOUGH: Review the rules that I laid down. TO keep this rp moving, we need at least some sort of post from each person (5 to 7 sentences or longer) at least every other day or so. Failure to keep up will result in being cut. One or two of you have addressed me about circumstances that you have that bring issues with this request, and you all know who you are and what we have arranged.

Makla: yes, the animalians are humans gene-spliced with animals. Essentially they are the villains of this story. If you want to join you can submit your bio and i'll be more than happy to look it over.

BUT if there are no further inquiries, LET'S BEGIN!!

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 12:47 am 
Hmm, in a bar with soldiers sneaking around. Are we gonna hafta find our own way to make a quick escape or do you already have means of getting us away?

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 1:27 am 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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you'll see... i have a couple cards up my sleeve ;P

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 1:35 am 
Celtic Defender
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*chuckles* all right

Grr...I bes snarlings like teh vicious guy I am. Oh look a bunny!! *cuddles*


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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 5:39 pm 
Cyberspace Addict
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this could be interesting... 8)

"Flying, far across the highlands, searching for a way to finalize my history.
Rising, high above the mountains, reaching for the sky, closer to my Sanctuary" ~ Kamelot - Across the Highlands

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 12:57 pm 
Proficient Young Dragon
Proficient Young Dragon
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just to let everyone know, the last post was mine.

for some reason or another i decided to ust that one instead.

sorry for the confusion.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 10:53 am 
Dragonfish Warrior
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I'm sorry I haven't posted yet, but Draggyness has yet to respond to my inquiries, and I have been unable to connect to the Internet this past week.

Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 3:23 pm 
Cyberspace Addict
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Ok so jish haas an excuse but where is everyone?
No posts for four days? we were doing so well...

"Flying, far across the highlands, searching for a way to finalize my history.
Rising, high above the mountains, reaching for the sky, closer to my Sanctuary" ~ Kamelot - Across the Highlands

Last edited by Marik on Thu Sep 27, 2007 3:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 11:18 am 
Can i still join?

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 12:55 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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My deepest apologies guys, chool interfered adn the internet decided that it didn't like me for a few days. BUT I am back now, so let us pick the pieces back up shall we?? =)

Also, yes Makla, you can still join.

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 5:29 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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Hey guys, I need your patience please. Homework, work and my thesis are all killing me. Seriously, I've been crying I'm so stressed out. So it'll be a little bit but I promise I'll add as soon as I can. Thanks!

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 2:34 pm 
Cyberspace Addict
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Hey don't worry we've all been there. We'll just put it on hold for a while.

"Flying, far across the highlands, searching for a way to finalize my history.
Rising, high above the mountains, reaching for the sky, closer to my Sanctuary" ~ Kamelot - Across the Highlands

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:01 pm 
Dragonfish Warrior
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Joined: Wed Dec 14, 2005 2:08 pm
Posts: 2248
Location: In a sunken Nuclear Submarine using the satellite commlink to talk to my fellow dragon belivers.....
:done: I eagerly await your zealous return. :twisted:

Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.

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