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 Post subject: ooc: Wasteland RP
PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 4:10 pm 
The king of kings
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War. War never changes.

In the years following 2077, earth's resources were running low, populations were getting high, and the various nations became greedy and untrusting of each other.

This would eventually become their undoing....

In the early morning of October 23 2077, nuclear weapons were launched. Who made the first attack is unknown, but it mattered little because the rest of the governments followed suite. Air raid sirens sounded, thousands of people fled to large underground vaults. Many more were either too late or weren’t allowed inside. In a few brief hours, most of the earth's surface was engulfed in nuclear fire.

It is now sometime in the 22nd century. Most forests and wildlife have been wiped out. The land is desert as far as the eye can see. Small pockets of humanity are arising, but raiders, mutants, and dehydration trouble them.

For Desert Rangers, these villages are but temporary resting places from the ruthless "survival of the fittest" nature of the wasteland.



No godmodding

No controlling other player's character without permission


Skills (You may have up to four skills. I may make an exception if there is a good reason.):

Small guns - Handguns, submachine guns, shotguns, assault rifles, sniper rifles and the like. A character with this skill has a general knowledge of how to shoot, load, and clean these types of weapons.

Big guns - Heavy machineguns, miniguns, rocket launchers and the like. A character with this skill can operate these weapons(and mounted weapons) better than the average person. This skill can also help out with large energy weapons.

Energy weapons - Weapons that use fire, laser, plasma and other energy sources fall into this skill. Characters with this skill are better at figuring out how to use complex energy weapons and also have a better understanding of how much an energy weapon can take before a potential weapon malfunction.

Melee - Whether because of a good amount of strength, speed, training, or some combination, this character is good at fighting up close and personal, either with melee weapons or with just their bodies.

Sneaking - A character with this skill has honed the art of not being detected by others. As such they can move around with minimal noise and can use shadows and camouflage to their advantage.

Endurance - This skill could be because large strength, mutation, or lots of previous beatings, but whatever the case, a character with this skill can handle more damage and can often survive from injuries better than normal people. A character with this skill also has extra protection from poison and radiation.

Magic - ((If this is chosen then I expect a short explanation of what kind of magic. Otherwise I'll just assume your character is hurling fireballs and lightning, which is kinda crappy if you ask me.))

Medic - A character with this skill knows how to treat (and in some cases, prevent) injuries. Someone with this skill knows how to use doctor's tools and medicine to maximum effect. A character with this skill could also be more deadly with their knowledge of the human anatomy.

Acrobat - This character is unusually nimble, to the point that they can pull off stunts that often make people's jaw's drop. Characters with this skill find it much easier to move around their environment.

Science - A character with this skill has a better understanding of computers and chemicals. With this skill someone could hack into a computer or mix chemicals.

Speech - The ability to convince others that your opinion is correct. It is also easier to lie. It's also useful when people like you a bit more for the way you talk.

Survivalist - A character with this skill is able to use his/her environment much more to their advantage. Someone with this skill can make due in even the harshest of nature's conditions.

Repair - A character with this skill has a good knowledge of how basic machinery works and how to fix it, or even make it better.


Sub-Skills (You may choose only one Sub-Skill):

Fast Pistol Reload - A character with this sub-skill can reload a handgun very quickly. This can range anything between revolvers, semi-automatics, even small Uzi's. Note: This does not apply for energy pistols.

Lock pick - This sub-skill allows a character to pick lock simple locks. It's also useful for understanding how a lock works, even if the character cannot get it open with picks.

Driving - With this sub-skill a character will know how to drive a car, truck, or motorcycle. The character will also have some extra knowledge about how a car works. This sub-skill can also be useful when riding a mount on an animal.


Traits(You may choose two traits, but you don’t have to have any.):

Aimer - This character takes his/her time aiming an attack. If it hits it usually does more damage than normal, however the downside is that the character is slower to attack.

Night Person - This person is more alert during the night, but is tired and sluggish during the daytime.

Unstable Karma - If this character has a streak of good luck, then he/she can be sure that a streak of bad luck is right around to corner! (This also works in visa-versa.)

Drug Addict - This character has an addictive personality. If this person does a drug enough times, it will be very hard for them to stop.

Noticeable - This character has difficulty blending into the crowd due to either size, mutation, fame/infamy, noise, or just fate turning everyone’s heads to the character.


Race: (No half-anything. You can be a furry, but I don’t want any half-demon or half-vampire.)
Background: (Not required.)
Skills: (Your Sub-Skill also goes here.)


Last edited by Jake on Sat Jul 29, 2006 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 4:13 pm 
The king of kings
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Name: Edward Newman, "Ed"

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 34

Appearance: 6'7" very muscilar. Has dirty blond hair in sort of a squarish haircut. Is currenlty wearing army boots, camo pants, and a black t-shirt with "UNSTOPPABLE" spray painted in white on the front.

Background: Ed had always been known to help people out. He has a burning hate for criminals. He has a huge battle axe(two large blades, same size) that he takes wherever he goes. The Desert Rangers heard about his exploits and hired him to their ranks.

Skills: Big guns, Endurance, Melee, Repair, Driving

Traits: Noticeable


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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 5:11 pm 
Dragonfish Warrior
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Location: In a sunken Nuclear Submarine using the satellite commlink to talk to my fellow dragon belivers.....
I think I'll use Rijhada, she had so much promise. She is currently homeless because me Rp died...... I know it's mostly me fault..... IM SORRY!!!! :cry:

Name: Rijhada Chang(Blood)
Race: Human(Engineered)
Sex: Female
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 90lb
Age: 23
Skills: Energy Weapons, Acrobat, Endurance, and Melee.
Subskill: Driving
History: Ex-Military(Antartic). She lived in one of the first colonies on Antartica--and the last. They lasted a few hundred years after the last bomb was dropped, but in the end they collapsed due to the population, and the lack of a lasting supply of electricity to heat the cities. Rijhada was one of the last who left her broken home, tears brimming with hatred at human stupidity. She shaped her life for the better by assasinating people for the Desert Riders and learning to repair their weapons. She officially joined their ranks after shaping herself the tail, teeth, claws and wings of a dragon. She is most commonly refered to as 'Blood', for the color of her hair, and eyes.
Weapons: Claws(and sometimes teeth), and her one of a kind plazma pistol, Quezacotl.

Realized my error, and fixed it. :oops: I am not a couple hundred years old.....

Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.

Last edited by Jishdefish on Sun Jul 30, 2006 10:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 5:15 pm 
The king of kings
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Accepted :wink:


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 Post subject: Taji
PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 11:46 pm 
Dragon's Egg
Dragon's Egg

Joined: Fri Jul 21, 2006 12:57 am
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Location: The Old Dominion
Name:Taji Kironan
Race: Human (mutant- shapeshifter)
Gender: female
Age: unknown

Appearance: Her skin has a very dark complexion, almost akin to that of a person of Middle eastern origin and because of the mutations she suffered after the attack has an almost clay-like quality to it (you could pinch it and it would stay in place for a second before melding back- think of Clayface from the Batman series). Her entire body has become this way, enabling her to take on the form of anyone or anything. As such, there are many stories as to what she really looks like, but it is known that in her true state Taji has short burgundy hair with bangs that frame an elegantly featured face. Her eyes are also black with no white to them whatsoever, and her ears are slightly ridged along the edge with MANY piercings. Defining marks include a tattoo that never disappears from one form to the next in the design of a rifle and rose crossing with an elegant T between their points. She usually wears a black turtleneck sleeveless shirt and silver necklace with her tattoo design underneath a long, thin but durable burgundyleather jacket with khaki jeans and black combat boots. She is rather tall at 5'10", but slim and athletic (sorry so long, but I know exactly what she looks like in my head!)

Background: Taji is an enigma of sorts to all but her closest "friends". Her family dates clear back to the time BEFORE the nuclear war and was a military family. While that tradition continued even into the time that Taji was born, it was more in the form of free-lance "Sentinels", a group that acted to protect the surrounding villages from raiders, other mutants, etc. This was made easier by their mutation, one which had encoded itself into their genes and made them into shapeshifters, enabling them to turn into anything or anyone, though they were still vulnerable to bullet, blade, sickness, etc. Thus, Taji was trained in every weapon currently available and taught general fighting and kickboxing. In all this she was a fast learner and surpassed her teachers, having an unnatural eye for accuracy (hence her favorite gun- her sniper rifle) and a power and nimble agility that enabled her certain ruthless distance from her opponents in hand to hand combat. Soon she had taken a place within the group of Sentinels and was doing reconaissance, though her pride would not allow her to stay in her current position and she soon moved on to locating targets herself. This soon led to her joining- against her family's advice- an arm of the Sentinels called the Preventors that acted as assassins and jacks of all trades, eliminating pontential problems before they became too dangerous. One such target caught Taji's eye and when given a flat no when she asked for help in the task, went on her own to eliminate the target- the leader of a group of raiders who had been a threat to the Sentinels for a long time. Somehow, whether by guesswork or sight, they seem to have found out what group their leader's assassin belonged to and attacked and annihilated the Sentinels- all but Taji and her brother whom she saw carried off during the fire-fight. She realized her mistake and took off in search of him and her family's killers eventually coming across the Rangers and lending her abilites to them.

Skills: (Your Sub-Skill also goes here.) Skills are: Small guns, acrobat, endurance, and Melee. Sub-skill: Driving- specifically motorcycles, she has one that she developed especially for the desert environment.

Traits: Noticeable

Weapons: Wow, what weapons DOESN'T this girl carry? Her main ones, however, are a sniper rifle, a set of .45 magnums, a traditional pistol and whatever she feels like morhing her arm into- awords, maces, etc.

Personality: Taji has always been a bit... prickly. Her short temper, no nonsense attitude, workaholicism, snyde, dry sense of humor and practical inabilty to crack a smile without the help of alcohol or poker tend to turn people off. She IS however, a loyal friend once you make one of her and has a very set sense of justice, backed by a cold ruthlessness that is almost unmatched within the ranks of the Desert Rangers. Perhaps that is what has enabled her to rise within them so quickly...

I'm so sorry this is so long! I just started writing and it was like I couldn't stop or something, lol. Let me know if I need to change ANYTHING

"What's the point of living if you have nothing to protect? Even if it's something as seemingly small as an idea, at least it's SOMETHING."

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 12:53 am 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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Name: Cole Callan (Most just know him as Viper)

Codename: Viper

Race: Human (Cyborg)

Age: Alive, in cryo-stasis ever since the first bombs fell. (Looks about twenty)

Appearance: Rarely having his armor or helmet off. When he does have his helmet off he looks to be about twenty, with a clean shaven face, colorless eyes unless you call gray, and circuits color his hair is brown, and buzz cut, he has very pale white complexion. His armor is black, metal, and heavy. It is thick, and the back of the armor stickout a little, connecting his weapons to his powered suit. It covers his entire body, the metal his that of science fiction, the name lost to the scientists who made it. The suit is powered by a pound of anti-matter, a perpetual energy supply. This energy also powers the suit's shields, the shields are able to withstand enormous ammounts of punishment. In the greaves, or metal boots are energy force-field generators that create a hover board, of green light to get around quickly. His armor looks bulky but it's powered so it's light, combining that with his strength implants, he's deadly.

Background: Volunteered for a secret military program for an upcoming war, a nuclear war. Scientists put him into cryo-stasis where he soon had implants put into him, they removed his natural eyes, and put in robotic ones, they lined his bones with strength implants, His armor just added to the implants, and protects him agaisnt radiation. He was 'completed' just before the first bomb fell, and left there in cryo-stasis in his armor where he layed there for hudreds of years, until a malfunction in the bases's anti-matter generator, when he was let out of cryo-stasis, and he rose from what should have been his grave, but the nanites within his suit revived him, healed him of frost bite, and made him ready to fight. He came out of the base, to find a obliterated world, a desolate world. He believed he was the last for days, weeks, as he walked the landscape, his suit creating synthetic water and food, using the anti-matter generator for him. He was found wandering the wastes by the Desert Rangers, and knowing his potential recruited him into their ranks, where he rose quickly to first lieutenant, his original rank in the old military.

Skills: Small guns, Big Guns, Energy guns, Endurance.

Sub-Skill: Driving (Using his suit's built in hoverboard, and using his suit in general)

Traits: Noticeable

Weapons: Energy Assault rifle (latches onto his right thigh, a heavy cable connects it to his suit, same material the suit is made of), Energy Heavy minigun (When not in use the minigun retracts itself to the back of the suit, connects to the suit by a cable, and a mechanical arm to retract it), Twin shoulder mounted Particle cannons(These things are about the width of his shoulder, so they don't get in the way, they can take out any vehicle but it takes a while to charge them up, about five minutes, if not already charged.)

What his armor looks like, subtract the pods on its back and think of it with a black paint scheme http://www.the-junkyard.net/characters- ... ance&id=44

Last edited by Heavyman on Sun Jul 30, 2006 10:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 8:22 am 
The king of kings
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AKI_no_kaze- accepted
Heavyman- It would be helpful if you had a name, to cause less confusion.


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PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 3:59 pm 
Knowledgable Viking
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name:tyler jackson(wolf)



age:was 26 at the time of freezing

appearance:6'6" lean and sleek like a wolf Moose skin pants and taough waterproof caribou hide parka/hood, gloves, cape, facemask andsack hung around his waist

background:Born in th 3rd century his icelander father deposited him into a wolf pack.There he learned the ways of the wolf and grew a wolfen mind.then one day on a hunt his brothers and he were prowling near the shore and he fell in and drifted away to a northern area where he froze to an iceberg and was later thawed due to global warming. he wondered into northern canada and met humans.Where eventually he met the desert rangers.this has nothing to do with his background but even though he froze he has an undying desire to jump into almost every area of water he sees

skills: melee sneaky survivalist endurance

weapons:his bare hands along with a handcarved osbidian axe

subskill: skeleton key

Traits:night person

There is no greater honor than dieing in glorious combat with a superior opponent. *Thrust... thrust.... parry....sweep.....THRUST!! Good.* Ah the joy of a Boar Spear.

Last edited by manofthewolf on Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:57 am, edited 9 times in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 5:44 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon

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Location: in your wardrobe
Name:kaosu Yang(usually sais her name is chaos)
Appearence:average height for a female, maybe a bit shorter but its unnoticable.She has dark purple hair which goes just below her shoulders which has been mistaked for black and dark blue eyes.She has black symbols tattooed up both her arms from her hands to her shoulders which nobody can read.
Background:kaosu never knew her parents or the origens of the symbols on her arms and this made growing up hard but she survived.As she grew older she realized she had abilities that aided her greatly in life and she believed them to come from the symbols on her arms.She soon found a job that suited her.She became an assasin and would kill, steal or even kidnap if the price was right but she would never do anything with out knowing the reasons they wanted it down and would never do a job that she thought was not worth it.She was soon heard of by the desert rangers and offered a job in there ranks which she accepted.
Skills:Melee,sneaking,magic and acrobat.
Sub Skill:lock pick
Trait:Unstable Karma

Her magic is that she has power to create chaos and law(dark and light)She can create dark and light energy which she can create into balls of energy to throw at people and she can shroud herself in darkness or blind her enemies temporarily.She can also use her power over chaos to cause people chaos or bad luck.

go on press the link you know you wanna

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 10:53 am 
The king of kings
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Man of the wolf-you need sub skill etc.



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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:13 am 
Knowledgable Viking
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Jake wrote:
Man of the wolf-you need sub skill etc.


That better?

There is no greater honor than dieing in glorious combat with a superior opponent. *Thrust... thrust.... parry....sweep.....THRUST!! Good.* Ah the joy of a Boar Spear.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:17 am 
The king of kings
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:18 am 
Knowledgable Viking
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There is no greater honor than dieing in glorious combat with a superior opponent. *Thrust... thrust.... parry....sweep.....THRUST!! Good.* Ah the joy of a Boar Spear.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 5:54 am 
The king of kings
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Back to OOC. man of the wolf putting ok was just complete spam. please refrain from posting something comepletely irrelevant to OOC. "ok" you could've written more about ooc. :x


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 8:32 am 
The king of kings
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Come on people im dieing to start this Rp.OOC


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 10:06 am 
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Sorry...but the land would be an icey wasteland, should that happen...but this an RP, so do what you gotta do.

Idaho State Motto: We're more than just potatoes...Ok, but the potatoes sure are good!

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 12:18 pm 
Dragon's Egg
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well, you do have six people signed up. In my experience that should be enough to start an RP

"What's the point of living if you have nothing to protect? Even if it's something as seemingly small as an idea, at least it's SOMETHING."

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 4:43 pm 
Dragonfish Warrior
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Location: In a sunken Nuclear Submarine using the satellite commlink to talk to my fellow dragon belivers.....
Actually Chal, this is two thousand years after the bombings. it would have gotten really cold but then it would of heated up.... and really, I wouldn't want to argue, there are many different theories on the matter.

Anything is Possible...
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:04 am 
The king of kings
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Im going to start this RP i will Pm all people involved.


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PostPosted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:29 pm 
Cererean Princess
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Joined: Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:05 pm
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Character: Raten
Age: Unknown
Origin: He was born when the first nukes fell and so is a mutant. The goverment captured him when he was a baby and experimented on him and turned him into a living weopon. He was frozen as he was difficult to control psycicly and phyisically. He was thawed out and escaped. Assasins were sent to track him down
Weopens: Shapeshifting, psycic blast, blaster.
Gender: Male

Formerly DragonRider. Almost teenage me could have been more imaginative with names.

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