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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:59 am 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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With a primal growl at the rotting hounds Binadorm leaped into their midst. Grabbing one with his jaws by the neck he ruthlessly tossed it at another the sheer power of the throw breaking its back and sending its compatriot reeling in pain. Glancing about himself he spied a couple of dogs trying to sneak up on him and with a grin grunted a word that set his paws aflame and leaped toward the two. Apparently expecting the leap the hounds split apart and "blinked" to either side of Binadorm and latched on with their powerful jaws. With a horrendous roar Binadorm tried shaking them off of his sides and only succeeded in causing himself more pain. Realizing that trying to shake them off that way would cause more damage than help he gritted his teeth against the pain and uttered the phrase "griful yuol polkis" his black fur turned a bright shimmering crimson and engulfed those two hell hounds in flames and were consumed in those flames to mere ashes and smoke. Trying to take advantage of his flaming body while it was still aflame he jumped in the fray where Law was fighting and rammed into one of the bigger hounds with a fury that would have astounded anyone had they the leisure to spare watching Binadorm and not fighting their own battles. His coat resuming a more normal black Binadorm latched firmly onto the back of his opponent and thrashed his head this way and that causing the beast to howl in pain. Seeking to somehow lose its unwanted cargo the beast tried "blinking" out of Binadorm's fearsome jaws but found that Binadorm had tagged along with it through the "blink". His head reeling at the effects of the jump Binadorm stubbornly held on with all his might and began powerful raking sweeps of his back paws across the creatures back causing its howls of pain to raise an octave. Raising his forepaws and grasping both side of the hounds head and digging his hind claws deep into the flanks of the hound Binadorm gave a vicious jerk with his hind legs shoving the hindquarters of the hound left while his forepaws and jaws shoved the head to the right. A resounding snap was heard as the beast slumped to the ground and ceased its struggling and dissipated in a cloud of smoke. Spitting the foul taste of ash out of his jaws Binadorm jumped back up ready for another attack.

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 7:57 am 
Legend of Old

Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2005 7:49 pm
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Without hesitation, Law caught the ammo ring Wardonis was nice enough to cast his way. God knows Cerberus was not going to calm down for awhile, so the outlaw needed every shot he could muster. Quickly loading the bullets into Cleansing Thunder, he held both of his beauties up and blew a few of the remaining smaller creatures to ash.

While being surrounded by the stronger "muts", the possibility of another additional threat, and seeing his partner's display of combat prowess Law just grinned as as adjusted his bandanna slightly to place one of his cigarettes in his mouth. "Great," he muttered while he grabbed his zippo lighter with a naked lady on one side and a comical skull and crossbones with dollar signs on the other. With a steady hand and a form that oozed style, Law snapped his fingers across the stone to spark the flame. As he held the flickering source of fire to the death stick and lit it up, he closed his eyes and took a slow, deep breath and filled his lungs with that precious toxin and slowly released it through his nostrils. "Just great."

"You know, this whole situation is really starting to piss me off!" said the outlaw while twirling his guns around callously.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 12:19 pm 
Master Old Dragon

Joined: Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:42 pm
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Malachi paused in his slaughter momentarily when the giant cat-thing appeared. "The hell?!" he exclaimed, quickly dodging out of its way as it ripped into a nearby Fell-Shadow. For a split second, he allowed himself to stand and watch it, and he realized with no small amount of shock that it was a bot of some sort. A very advanced bot. In all his years here and abroad he had never seen its make, and as it turned and seemed to scan his lithe form, he raised his scimitar defensively, a glowing orb already forming in his long fingers. To his relief and surprise, however, it didn't attack him, but moved instead to the next Fell-Shadow, making its way in a deadly path towards the young Archai. "Well, heh, long as you're on our side," he muttered to himself as he turned, catching a hound by the tail with his blade as he went. He aqlmost swore he felt someone bump into him, but there was nothing there... Nothing but a bundle of emotions originating from one spot...

The boy moved to investigate but was quickly blocked by two more hounds. As they were whittled down, they became more and more desperate. and their feral growls resonated with a malice that had its source in the nightmares of little children. The Archai looked over his shoulder at Law and caught him just as he took a puff from his cigarette. "Hey man, this is no time to be giving yourself cancer!"

At that moment, one of the two attacked, leaping at Malachi with a snarl. He quickly rolled to the side and dodged the attack, only to turn and find another coming at him. With narrowed eyes, he decided that had finally had enough. He formed a series of bright, glowing knives in his hand and bided his time as the thing charged. At the right moment, he hurled them into its form where they stuck in its face, side, and head before dissipating into ash. That left only one... With a deft motion, Malachi turned on his heel and faced the other remaining creature. "Here Fido," he said with a grin.

Whether or not the creature understood him, it charged with an angry yowl and the two became embroiled in bitter contest. This one was a little bigger, and a little more experienced than the last, and it was not going to give him the chance to use any of that light it had seen seconds before. It hurled itself at him and latched onto his already bleeding shoulder. With a cry of pain, he managed to shake the thing off and into teh sand. As it rolled over, he held his scimitar defensively, waiting for the attack that came a few seconds later. As he blocked, he shoved it off again, elegantly maneuvering the blade to catch it across the back. Time, when it attacked again, he was ready and sliced it cleanly across the middle. Black blood poured everywhere, and still it came at him. Seeing no other recourse, the boyish figure pulled a gun from a previously unseen holster under his coat and fired hitting it between the eyes.

The kickback surely should not have been that much for a hand-gun, but it sent Malachi back a few feet- digging his feet into the ground before he hit it with a hard thud. When they looked closer, Law recognized what appeared to be a normal handgun as a Desert Eagle- no wonder it had knocked him into the dirt! Appropriately, Malachi only used it in dire need, and holstered it back at his side as he watched the others finish off teh Fell-Shadow.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:18 am 
Knowledgeable Dragon

Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:10 pm
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The robotic cat creature had killed one of the last fell-shadows and it then began to circle the group. It let out oscillated growls, an unearthly noise that would chill the spines of the primitive races of this world. With each movement of its legs, each rotation of the motorized joints the machine whirred and whined mechanically. The sides had a line of blue lights running down them, and the eyes looked at the group with its menacing blue glare. The machine left prints in the sand as it walked, but the footfalls were noiseless and no sand was kicked up. It opened its metallic mouth, baring its saber-teeth threateningly as it re-prioritized the situation. These too were trespassers, these too were close to the ship. It kept computing and kept walking, having made a semi-circle already.

Vaedus crested the last dune, and looked down at the group from his position. He was cloaked, and too far away to be seen. Watching the robot circle the group, the alien wondered what they had done to invoke the wrath of this mechanical monstrosity. He ordered the robot to keep guard, but to not attack, but also to not allow them to escape. He made his way down the dune, careful to kick up as little sand and dust as he could. Once he was on level ground, Vaedus raised the plasma rifle to his shoulder and let off a shot . As he pulled the trigger, he uncloaked and a purplish-blue bolt erupted from the plasma rifle's barrel with a sharp whine. The bolt hit its mark, five inches from the seeming leader's feet, hitting the sand as a warning shot. If one cared to look at the spot, it has been instantly glassed, the sand became red hot, quickly cooling into a glass like state.

“What is your purpose here?” The reptilian alien asked in a masked, robotic voice. “You are trespassing on our territory.”

The robotic cat began to leisurely pick its way towards the newcomer, it sat down in front of it and to the side a little ways. Clearly, this creature was holding the robot's leash. The alien wore silvery looking armor, it was a full suit of it too. More than a few dents decorated it, along with scratches. It eyes glowed blue much like the robot that stood before it. It had a digitigrade leg structure and a tail, clearly it was not human. Not be a long shot. Nor was it any known species of the world, nothing known had this level of technology.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:42 am 
Master Old Dragon

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As the last of the Fell-Shadow disappeared at the hands of his companions, Malachi stood, blade still drawn in lieu of the new threat. He did not move, but stood as a statue among the others In his eyes there was a dangerous spark, one that they had not seen as yet. It was an odd mixture of frustration and anger... Even stranger still, one or two swore that they could feel the emotions coming from him, if that made any sense. It was as though a pulse hit them, and in the pit of their stomachs they felt something twist painfully.

The Archai glared at the intruder, motioning for the others to take it easy for a moment, his arm raised in a blocking motion as he stepped forward, stepping on the glass in a deliberate manner. The sharp cracking rang through the area, complimenting the defiant expression with which he approached the stranger. "I think there's been some mix-up," he said. "This isn't YOUR territory. If anything it belongs tot he natives, whom Law over there happens to know QUITE well. If you wish to disagree, by all means, take it up with him, I'm sure he'll understand." Malachi motioned in Law's direction with his sword, to which the outlaw nodded, acknowledging the introduction. "I think I should be asking you the same question 'friend'. What are YOU doing in MY territory? This land rightfully belongs to the Archai, the natives, and their descendants." At his words, weapons and claws clicked into place, and Malachi turned with a smirk to the newcomer. "I'd say you have some explaining to do."

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 2:04 am 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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The black panther covered in soot and his own blood "shrugged" himself into a more standing position and said "If the guy keeps a mechanical cat for a pet he's alright in my eyes, though I do wish he wouldn't claim this land as his when the native race was the Archai and by offshoot us Treinis."and whispering the word "vashek" his hands began to glow green and with a relieved sigh moved his hands over his injuries and they began to mend. After finishing healing his wounds he moved through each of the others healing their wounds only giving Malachi a wide berth for now until he knew for certain what was going to happen. Then with a tired sigh he slumped on the ground and postulated aloud "I haven't done this much magic in a long time, lets see I used it eight times, I forgot how tiring it was and I would love nothing more than to sleep it off."

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

Last edited by Forgotten Dragon's Ire on Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 2:22 am 
Solitary Serpent
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Cora never got a straight answer for her question. There was no time. They're victory was short-lived. The strange canines could be seen on the horizon again, heading back towards the group. This time the pack was bigger. Everybody prepared for another battle.
Cora jumped off Malachi's bike. With greater ease than she seemed capable of, she slid her rifle out of its case and flipped it over her shoulder. Cora dumped her backpack on the ground and grabbed some ammo out of it. In a few seconds, the Winchester loaded and aimed.
Law had already begun firing on the creatures, so their attention had turned to them. Cora fired into the group. Each shot met its target, hitting the canines so hard their lifeless bodies were thrown away from the group.
Cora had only taken out a few before she noticed more of the canines focusing on the group. Where had they all come from? Cora trained her rifle on the new pack just a Law was thrown from his horse.
"Sh*t!" Cora tried to divide her attention between the two seperate groups. With every shot, one of the creatures were blown back and landed in a puff of smoke. But it was getting hard to keep up with everything. The canines were getting closer than Cora was comfortable with.
A flash of light from her right caused Cora to pause. She looked to find Malachi brandishing a glowing blade. He was using some kind of magic to fight off the creatures. Whatever it was, they weren't recting too well to it. Cora watched as one by one, the creatures fell to Malachi's attacks. But despite his effective strategy, one of the canines managed to clamp onto Malachi's shoulder. Cora couldn't get a good shot off without hurting Malachi. So, she settle for taking out a few more of those around the group, confident the Archai could handle himself. She only managed to get off a few more shots before the fight was joined by a giant, robotic cat.
"Holy h*ll . . .," she almost whispered as she stood in shock, watching the cat. It attacked the strange canines. At least it appeared to be on the travelers' side . . . for now.
A knife whizzed by Cora's ear and hit a canine in front of her. She finished it off with a quick shot. Cora glanced just in time to see a puff of smoke disappear if front of Wardonis. She gave him a quick nod and turned her attention back to the creatures left-over, keeping an eye on the strange mechanical cat.
After the rest of the creatures were dealt with, the giant cat began to circle the group. Cora kept her rifle trained on it. She wasn't sure if she could cause any damage to the beast, but she was willing to try if need be. But the cat didn't attack, it simply kept pacing.
Soon, another creature appeared on the dunes. Cora had never seen anything like it. It fired a shot at the ground at Malachi's feet. Cora lowered her gun whe the foreigner made no attempt to attack the group. Apparently, he was connected to the big cat somehow for he stopped beside it. Cora stood on edge as the newcomer and Malachi excanged words.

Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:34 am 
Avatar of Elements
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Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
Ward flexed his knee experimentally, it hurt but he guessed it could handle his weight. He reached over and grasping the side of the truck hauled himself to his feet. He gingerly applied pressure to the leg and was surprised at how little it hurt. It was more stiff than anything, and would probably hold his weight. Binadorm came over to him and started healing his leg and soon the pain was gone entirely. Ward looked down at the last Fel-Shadow still unconscious from where it had knocked itself out plowing into his knee. As Binadorm was standing Ward stepped over, placed one large boot on the creatures neck and crushed it in one mighty stomp. Ward looked over and saw the soot blackened feline warrior collapsed on the ground panting slightly.

He watched the interaction between the stranger, his cat and Malachi. Boss has it all in hand and the newcomer looked like paper though the cat might be a challenge. He looked back down at Binadorm sitting at his feet and a thought occurred to him. “Oh no you don’t!” he said grabbing Binadorm by the skin at the base of the back of his neck and hauling him off his feet. Ward ½ carried ½ dragged Binadorm to the truck, “you are not getting back into my truck like that”. Binadorm didn’t really put up much of a struggle until they reached the truck and reaching into the underbelly frame Ward lifted a cover off a bathtub size water storage tank. When his eyes saw what was in store for him Binadorm began to kick and squirm, as strong as he was he wasn’t a match for Wardonis especially seeing as Ward was holding him by the scruff of the neck reducing his strength dramatically. With a mighty heave Binadorm was soon immersed in the tub of water and Ward was scrubbing the black soot from his fur, “hold still Kitty this will only take a minute” Ward said as Binadorm kicked and fought feebly to escape the water. Finally when the water was as black as the cat Ward let him out of the water. Binadorm shook the water from his fur and turned to Ward with a new light prepared to attack him or yell at him or something but Wards attention was already back on the scene unfolding before him.


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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:31 am 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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Sopping wet Binadorm glared at Wardonis for forcibly bathing him and to get back at him he stood right beside him and began to shake himself vigorously so that Ward got a huge spray of water at him. After shaking himself mostly dry he sat down and began to groom himself to get the remaining water off of his fur much like any normal cat would do. As he took the time to groom himself he began to pay attention to what was going on with the newcomer and his mechanical cat.

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 2:47 am 
Legend of Old

Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2005 7:49 pm
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The barrels of his twin death distributors hummed slightly as Law twirled them in circular motions. The outlaw's disposition was not necessarily on stable foundations and his posture was fixed and alert. Through his visceral and infamous smirk, one could see the smoke from the last and committed drag of a cigarette escaping his person. His physical stature resonated the impression of a gun fighter who was about to test his luck at the draw, but the outlaw's personality was not altered in the least. He was still a jackass...

"Well, a kitty has come out to play. Here kitty kitty," Law said while he caught his weapons in mid circle and pulled the triggers back setting the sights on the strange mechanical feline. The long barrels were fixed on the possible assailant and the alien figure seemingly "controlling the leash."

"I have never been a cat person myself. Always been a ... dog kind of guy."

"With a cynical laugh, Law let out a long howl imitating a wild wolf from the old worlds."

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:22 am 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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The reptilian alien's aim drifted from individual to individual. When one made a movement he aimed the Plasma Rifle at them. The weapon and the armor the alien wore gave a silvery sheen, although it was dented in a few places. His aim eventually always centered in on the leader of the group, but it was beginning to look like he bit off more than he could chew with this group of travelers. He then spoke up, trying to be as confident as he could. Though a slight bit of his fear leaked out in his voice.

"You are too close to our ship, and thus are in our territory. Leave." He said with as much commanding authority as he could muster.

Vaedus looked at them, two of them posed a serious threat if they got in close to him. The pink skinned one and the cat-like biped. He was not suited for melee combat, never was. Images flashed through his mind of those two breaking every bone in his body, or ripping him limb from limb. The situation didn't bode well for him in his own mind.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:45 pm 
Avatar of Elements
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Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
Watching the newcomer Ward realized that this was going to be a test of wills and that the alien clearly felt it had overstepped its bounds but was too afraid to admit it, fearing if it did it would soon be dead; and that only by bluffing us to shoo us away would he be safe. Looking him up and down and the metal pet cat as well Ward could tell it would be a short fight, Law was ready and could quickly take him in a single shot and if Ward couldn’t take the cat alone, Binadorm would be all he needed.

The question now is what to do, the alien clearly didn’t want a fight and not because he was certain he would loose. Studying him intently Ward was pretty sure the alien was naturally pretty peaceful. He didn’t stand in a manner as one does who is accustomed to conflict; Ward took in Malachi and Laws posture, he just didn’t seem aggressive enough but he wore an aura about him that suggested he had seen strife and blood in the past and was prepared do what he had to, to see this through.

Either way Ward was certain that this was a conflict that nobody wanted. He also realized that it wasn’t his place to break it, it was Malachi’s and to a lesser extent Law’s. He looked down into his hand, he was holding his massive glam, he’d picked it up after giving Kitty a bath and had kept it in hand “just in case”. He decided now that it would behoove everyone to reduce the tension and decided to sheath it. He also though it might be beneficial to seem to be giving in to the aliens wishes, whatever Malachi decided.

Moving with deliberate slowness Ward began the short process of breaking down the fortification and packing it back into his truck making sure his hands were visible at all times, he decided to leave his knife and falchion in the sand for the moment.


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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 1:45 am 
Master Old Dragon

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Malachi also sensed the fear and tension emanating from the newcomer and appreciated Ward's attempts to assuage the situation, small though they were. This creature was obviously of no real threat to them. He was not trying actively to impede their progress, he did not seem to have malicious intent towards them- other than defensively- and if anything, he seemed more alarmed than dangerous. Malachi had no doubt that the rifle in the newcomer's hand could deal a bit of damage to any one of them here, but he was not about to allow it to come to that.

The Archai slowly sheathed his sword, to show that he meant the strange being no harm. A pained expression flitted across his face as he moved his arm, raising it slightly so that his hands were up, palms out in an act of peaceful resignation. Blood still seeped from his shoulder, caking now on the white shirt, his jacket long ago tossed aside and draped over his motorcycle. "Look, I'm not sure what ship you're talking about, or where you're from, or whatever, but we're just a pack of hunters looking for a buried treasure," he said with a wry grin. Calling the Lost Righteous a buried treasure was a sad understatement. "We were passing through when the Fell-Shadow attacked us... Its almost nightfall, and we're going to need somewhere to stop off. Especially given, well..." He pointed to his shoulder sheepishly. "We can be on our way in the morning, but for the time being, perhaps we could help one another. Why is your ship just camped here?"

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 12:51 pm 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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At the sign of Malachi trying to relieve the tension by putting away his sword Binadorm felt that it was time to heal his wounded shoulder. So he approached Malachi and said "vashek" upon which his hands brimmed with a glowing green energy and passed them over his shoulder to coaxe the wound to speed up the healing process. After the shoulder was well on its way to mend Binadorm slumped in exhaustion and looked toward the stranger and said "If I thought you were an enemy I would not so exhaust myself healing my comrades and would save their healing to a later time, so relax I have no quarral with you and neither do my friends"

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 3:25 pm 
Solitary Serpent
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Cora remained wary as the Archai and the newcomer exchanged words. The newcomer seemed a bit unsure and not as confident as he tried to sound. The big metal cat was what made Cora uneasy. She was confident that the group could take out its owner with no problem, but such a huge beast could at least severely injure the group before it would conquered.
Cora disagreed with Malachi's action of sheathing his weapon. But he was the leader of this little group, so he would know what he was doing. . .hopefully. With a little reluctance, Cora followed suit and replaced her rifle into its case.

Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 3:53 pm 
Avatar of Elements
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Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
Ward approved of MalachI’s approach of standing ground and not backing out but still going to the peaceful side of putting the weapons up, he knew it’d be a bluff the alien could not overcome it would force him into better communication, friendlier communication.

The truck all packed up and ready to go he turned off the engine and hopped to the ground. He returned to his fallen weapons as he watched the scene noting Cora sheathing hers. He smiled knowing that his initial action had effectively reduced the tension enough that it was almost certain this would have a peaceful outcome, we might even make a new friend today.

Another though crossed his mind and he looked again at the metal cat, what.. would it be like… to ride that?…


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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:43 am 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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Vaedus aimed the weapon at those who moved, though he was losing confidence by the second. Slowly, with a whine from the armor he lowered the plasma rifle. With the last bit of courage left, he moved forward to see these travelers face to face. Once he got within twenty feet though, he stopped. The helmet cracked apart in several places, and from the front plates began overlap backwards until the helmet was gathered around his neck in the form of several plates. The action revealed who... and what he was. Although they could not name his species, at least he now had a face to them. The first thing they would have noticed were the scales... silvery-white, nearly bleached in color. On either side of his head he had ear frills that were independently opening and closing slightly to listen to the noises the travelers made. His blue eyes stared at them, his species was clearly predatorial by nature, or the eyes wouldn't have been positioned so they could view forward. His tail waved back and forth slowly behind him, uneasily.

“I am Vaedus, of the Cycron. I'll simply tell you this, we came here about fifty of your years ago. Not by our choosing mind you. Magnetic interference from your star caused a navigational malfunction and we were forced to crash on this desolate planet. We couldn't allow the primitives of this world capture our technology or they'd become the seed of their own destruction. You are not ready for it, and the knowledge of its workings would be your downfall.” There were no implications of a lie behind his slightly baritone and flanged voice.

“What is this treasure that you speak of?” He asked, truly curious about the prospect.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 4:01 pm 
Master Old Dragon

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Malachi grinned broadly, his face lighting up as his shoulders slumped a little and he dropped his hands to his sides. "Why not join is for the night and find out? I think all of our gathered group has one story or another about the Lost Righteous." The Archai stepped back and allowed the Cycron room on the path to walk beside him towards the safe shadow of the truck. Despite the stranger's obvious uneasiness with the group of hunters, and vice versa, the descending night air around them seemed fresh and renewed nonetheless. The stale, thick tension dissipated as they fell in behind Malachi and began preparing to turn in for the night, even as he himself happily talked with the newcomer. He barely seemed to notice the creature's strange appearance, and made only a few passing comments about the technology that he displayed. Apparently, Malachi took Vaedus' warning as to the miracles of the Cycron, but nothing more. In fact, it didn't seem to bother him at all as he pointed things out in the landscape and offered what helpful advice that he could.

It struck them all that not five minutes ago he had held a sword on this unfortunate individual, and now he stood a little ways off, unpacking his motorcycle and chatting as happily as if they were childhood friends. For some, it was an example of the odd enigma that was Malachi, but for others, it was a pleasant air of forgiveness and compassion in a place barren of anything but death and decay. If he was from this cursed continent, it was a different world when he had been here last.. And yet... there was something about him that seemed to fit in here, that felt as though he belonged. Perhaps it was the otherworldly nature with which he seemed to surprise them all; no one could put their finger on it, but it was an air...

Malachi also felt this sensation and it both thrilled and terrified him, though he did not show it, and he kept these feelings in check, lest they affect those around him. Until he knew more and began to recognize more of the place, he would keep it to himself. For the moment, he contentedly gave everyone the signal to unpack and settle in as he finished unloading his vehicle and got a fire going. Soon there was fire and there was a simple, but filling dinner born of the supplies that the Archai purchased in Havensword, which all were invited to take part in. As they ate, the floor opened up for stories about the "treasure"- its origins, its promises, and most importantly, its hunters and why they searched so relentlessly.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 2:26 pm 
Avatar of Elements
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Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
Wardonis re-unpacked the truck sighing as he did so. Once it was deployed Malachi had started a fire under its two walled protection. Smoke curled up and out of the triangle shaped ceilings open corners. He drew a sheet metal curtain most of the way across the open section creating a cozy and safe place for them to sleep tonight. Everyone, even the new stranger, settled in and began to chat. Ward loved old war stories and decided to jump in and share one.

“About three years back I was a tactician for King Junie of Tiamaoe, Ya know he has the highest land in region here. Anyway he’d been having trouble with one of his neighbors. Darthanis of Frane to be specific. The comparison is just comical in and of itself. While Junie mass producing vehicles and quite up to date technologically with various guns and all, and Darthanis still completely without power and reduced to armor, bows and swords.” Wardonis took a huge bite out of a loaf of bread and continued his story as he chewed.

“Darthanis had taken to raiding the farms on the outskirts of Tiamaoe closest to his own lands. Junie was telling me that he didn’t want to hurt Darthanis’ forces but that he wanted the raids to stop, for good. So I figure I’d hurt their pride. I went over the records of the various attacks against the farms and figured where and when he’d strike next. Then I commissioned about thirty of the kings officers and we went to the farm that Darthanis was going to attack next on the night before his attack and we dug a trench filling it with really wet mud. It might have been eight feet deep, if that. Well the next night when they attacked running out of the darkness in chain mail and wielding flails and axes. Splash they went. Actually I got really lucky, turns out Darthanis can’t swim and was leading his men so he was the first in the water and with the red color of the clay turning the water red none of his men would go near him. I think they have some superstition about swimming in blood. Well I was patrolling the line when I saw the main force break and run for the trees when they saw our headlights so I got out to take a look. They’d left him there so I hauled him out of the water and headed back to the king. I started in about the tortures he was in for, just making up stuff mind you, and wouldn’t ya know it he wet himself.”

Ward was starting to laugh hard enough it was hard for him to continue. “We almost made it there when he starts crying and begging me to let him go, and that he wouldn’t raid the farms anymore. I was persuasive enough to make sure he meant it and then we dropped him off at his mansion. That was the most cowardly man I have ever met. King Junie gave me this truck because of how I dealt with it. No blood was shed and none ever would." Ward smiled as he shoved a huge wad of cheese into his mouth.


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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 1:58 am 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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Binadorm slumped on the ground near the fire feeling drained beyond belief. After listening to Wardonis' tale Binadorm felt he should tell a story of his own fashioning. "Well you'd like to know of this treasure we spoke of earlier, called the Lost Righteous. Some people say that the Lost Righteous was created to protect the people after a particularly nasty war, From what I have heard the Archai used the Lost Righteous as a storing place for their defenses and a conduit to enhance their power. Throughout the years that cache was never needed and the Archai used its stored power to make the land flourish. Sadly this golden age couldn't last for a creature of unimaginable evil tricked one of the other races into going against the Archai in a bid for power and brought forth their minions of the dark and descended upon the Archai and the Treinis who were the cousins of the Archai. From what has been told I remember there being say that in a last attempt to save what little they could they activated a powerful dweomer which would suck most of the power from the humans and their manipulators so that they would not be able to cause more destruction. Sadly by this time the Archai's time was up and the Treinis had to retreat lest those that were still alive be destroyed as well so as they fled they gathered as much of the surviving Archai and fled into the wilderness. Some say that the Lost Righteous is still collecting that power to this day and thus keeping those demons at bay but who can tell if that is still the case." Smiling at the mystery of the LR Binadorm finished his tale.

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2010 3:58 am 
Avatar of Elements
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Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
"Vaedus, a question for you. That metal cat of yours over there, have you ever considered what fun he could be as a mount?"Ward lifted his eyebrow questioningly.


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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 10:26 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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The reptilian alien looked at the human, and shook his head. His silvery-white scales shining in the light. "No I've not thought about it. It wasn't made to do any such thing. But I suppose it's capable, considering its strength. I believe it would need new programming to do so properly." He said and shrugged. "Why do you ask?" His own eyebrow ridge raising at the question.

The cat stood off to the side, not far away. The eyes glowed in their tireless scan of the surrounding area. It would have no problem keeping watch all night if need be...

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2010 9:53 pm 
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Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
Arching his back Ward answered “Well, I was thinking that were going to be trying to cover a lot of ground and I don’t think it’ll be easy for you to keep up on foot, besides it looks like a lot of fun.” A smile the size of a moon stole on to the giants face.


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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:40 am 
Legend of Old

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The travelers were wrapped in discussion; whether they were engaged in discussing the possibility of mounted travel on the alien cat robot technology or why they were relentlessly searching for treasures in the dismal and broken lands Tescerra had to offer, it mattered not to one. He was occupied in a contest of will.

"You got to blink sometime you bastard," muttered Law as he glared deeply into the empty, blood red, and semi glazed stare of his faithful steed, Cerberus. "Sometimes I wonder if there is anything behind that thick skull of yours."

Malachi laughed at the sight of Law twirling his twin revolvers around while staring down his horse. Cerberus was uncanny at this game, only moving this tail to swap the quarter-size mosquitoes that had come to inhabit the killing fields. "A staring contest? Like, really?" whispered Malachi.

the disciplined constitution of Law's stare was shattered upon hearing Malachi call his name. "God Da--it! I almost had him!" Malachi chuckled lightly as he studied the reaction (or the lack thereof) of Law's companion. "I hate to tell you Law, but i fear that is a battle you just can't win," retorted the deity. "No offense to your horse, of course."

"Now what do you mean by that smartass?" Law turned to Cerberus and was only greeted by the same still, empty stare he was competing against before with the jaw of the animal hanging slightly ajar.

"Heh, who am I kidding. This horse reaks of stupid."

Law holstered both weapons with precision and style. A bowl of dust shot into the air as Law's body impacted the warm sand gently and sprawled out into a stretch. After reaching every limb in the cardinal directions, Law took out a bottle of Jack, seemingly out of nowhere, and hoisted it proudly in the air

"Well f--- being munched on by demonic shadow dogs! I am drinking to that!"

And with that, The outlaw gulped the whiskey down like water.

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 Post subject: Re: Secrets of the Lost Core
PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 12:09 am 
Master Old Dragon

Joined: Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:42 pm
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Malachi watched the outlaw drown his sorrows, quite literally, in whiskey and shook his head. When offered a drink a moment later, he chuckled, his smirk broadening into a wide grin as he held up a hand. "I'm afraid there's a reason my people avoid... er avoidED harder liquors, Law," he said. "Last time I drank that stuff, I woke up in the middle of a crater with only my sword belt and the remains of a single leg of my trousers. Still don't know what happened that night...

"Well, do you know what happened HERE?" someone ventured. The others nodded in agreement, a murmur going through the camp. As the man who was not only the funding, but the driving force behind this expedition, surely Malachi would know something more about the Lost Righteous. In a strange way he almost seemed as though he belonged here- something about his person fit in with the enigmatic air of this place.

And there it was again- that unreadable half-smile that bordered between a sarcastic smirk and something much more... knowing. The Archai stretched a bit as he walked back into the circle of light, his figure seemingly nonchalant. Despite his calm exterior, he wandered how much he could tell them. After all, all that he had to go on what exactly the Lost Righteous was was a hunch- and two other expeditions of experience. As he commenced removing his boots and shaking them out, he decided that it couldn't hurt to give them a TASTE.

A lot happened, he said simply. A lot of things the Archai never expected... We weren't prepared, and it was no one's fault but our own. But during the "Shining Era of the 9 Worlds", we made this place our own. A nostalgic grin broke across his face as he looked across the desert, stretched out ahead of them like a barren blanket. It was so different, so warped and twisted from what he remembered, and for a moment, his expression soured as he reflected on what had become of the once lush, flowing landscape that had been his home.

You speak as though you actually saw it, Binadorm quietly muttered, and they were surprised by the Archai's answer.

I did.

But that would mean-

It was a long time ago, though. A lot changed. Malachi didn't let them get too far in their pondering about what a loaded string of words that sentence was. It was a terribly simple answer, and yet it held within those few words a plethora of possibilities, a quarrel of questions, a veritable myriad of maybes, all of which directed one to think that, unlike many of the others gathered, he actually KNEW what he was talking about when it came to this "treasure".

Unfortunately, it's all lost now... All that's left of it is what's behind that door at the Pinnacle. Binadorm is right in that respect, then, I suppose, he chuckled as he leaned his head back and lay down. The Archai used his pack as a pillow and when he turned his indigo gaze up to the stars, they caught a lonely, longing expression, as one who sees his friends from a distance but can only wave and wait for them to respond.

The next morning, when the sun broke over the horizon, he was already up and about when everyone else began to stir. While they prepared to head out, he pulled the Cycron aside. "You know, you're welcome to join us, he said thoughtfully. You never know you might find something you all could use to get off this rock.

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